
A Coronavirus outbreak The Quarenghi nursing home, located on the street of the same name on the northwestern outskirts of Milan, was discovered inside a Rsa (nursing home) in Milan. Twenty-one infected elderly guests, although fortunately only one of them currently exhibits the symptoms of Covid-19. The guests are also joined by a health worker from the facility, who tested positive for a nasopharyngeal smear and was placed on rest, quarantined, by the social cooperative that runs the nursing home and many other similar facilities in other Italian regions, the Coopselios.
According to the newspaper “Il Giorno”, which reported the news, the outbreak arose after one of the 123 guests of the structure in recent days presented symptoms attributable to Covid. After the swab confirmed his positivity to the virus, the elderly man was immediately transferred to the hospital, as required by the new regulations of the Lombardy region, while the swabs were taken for the other RSA guests. Another 20 tested positive, but all asymptomatic: of them, however, another 9 were transferred to the hospital, while for the rest it is expected that the hospitals communicate the availability of beds. Now the result of the last 24 swabs made to the older guests of the structure is expected, which in the meantime, as required by the procedures, has closed the access of relatives to the interior of the retirement home. Older guests can keep in touch with their loved ones through video calls or phone calls and visits are only allowed in exceptional cases that must be authorized by the health management.
The massacre in the RSA
Within the RSA, in the most acute phase of the pandemic, unfortunately there was a massacre of the elderly, also due to the particular fragility of the people housed in these structures. According to one investigation of the Ats (Agency for the protection of health) of Milan In the first four months of 2020, mortality within the 162 RSAs of the Ats (which are home to more than 16,000 people) was 22 percent, about 2.5 times higher than in previous years. Another piece of information from the report entitled “Evaluation of excess mortality during the Covid 19 epidemic in RSA residents” refers to the number of deaths of people over 70 years of age in Milan and Lodi: between January and April 5,500 more than 70 died compared to average of the last few years, and almost half of these deaths (46 percent) occurred within the RSA. Also for this reason, in the face of autumn and a possible resurgence of the virus, it is essential to immediately isolate any outbreak in these structures and in general prevent the virus from entering the residences.
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