
Rome, August 28, 2020 – 21 Phi Beach employees tested positive for coronavirus. The medical controls carried out in recent days through swabs involved the employees of one of the most important clubs in the Costa Smeralda and the results were released today. All infected people are asymptomatic and are now in fiduciary isolation at their Gallura homes. They are mostly non-resident workers in Sardinia who will be assisted by Ats during their period of isolation.
the Phi Beach The summer season was forcibly closed on Thursday, August 27, precisely because of the cases of contagion that were found among the staff members. Meanwhile, the local crisis unit in the north of Sardinia has activated all the procedures for tracing the contacts that had the positive ones, in order to order the quarantines of the people suspected of having contracted the virus.
Coronavirus Italy, the newsletter for August 28
Civil protection, return plan for positives
Soon a Payment plan by tourists me workers positive. He is preparing it Civil protection who thinks about how to put the dozens of tourists or seasonal workers who showed up at home positive for Covid-19 of the swabs made and which are now isolated in the tourist complexes of Sardinia. For this plan to return to the peninsula, Civil Protection would use dedicated boats or planes. Some kind of airlift. The coordinator of the Northern Sardinia Crisis Unit, Marcello Acciaro, urged the intervention, explaining: “The proposal did not fall on deaf ears and I have news that Civil Protection is developing a recovery plan that will be evaluated and if it is considered valid, implemented in the next few days. I believe that it may be the best solution for all given the numerous cases that have been registered and that require a huge effort from the health structure to be managed. An effort that Ats is making with efficiency and professionalism.
Tamponi in a town on the coast of Alghero
Checks about possible infections in the holiday complex ‘Pischina Salida’ in Capo Caccia, on the coast of Alghero. HE taponi were performed on employees and a group of guests. The alarm would have gone off in recent days due to suspicions of infections and the Ats has moved to perform swabs and contact tracing. In the holiday village they are present beyond 200 accommodations and there is a club with restaurant, pool bar and sports facilities. The official results of the swabs are expected in the next few hours.
Club clerk in hospital with pneumonia
A employee from the ‘Luna Club’ club in San Teodoro is admitted to the infectious diseases department of the Aou de Sassari after having tested positive for Covid-19. The 27-year-old had a high fever and pneumonia. and for this he was hospitalized. The San Teodoro club was closed by the owners immediately after Ferragosto following the restrictions adopted by the Government to contain coronavirus infections.
Civitavecchia, test boarding in Sardinia
“From Monday to Civitavecchia those who travel to Sardinia will also be able to take the test voluntarily and free of charge ”. This was stated by the Councilor for Health of the Lazio Region, Alessio D’Amato.
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