
Susanna novelli
Rags fly between Cinque Stelle and Pd. Despite the green light for territorial alliances. This time it is the mayor of Roma Capital, Virginia Raggi, who raises the bar and points, as often happens, to the wrong side. To infuriate the first citizen who speaks of “palace games and old political agreements”, the indiscretion on the hypothesis of the national government to appoint an undersecretary for Rome, in fact a real commissioner.
“We need special powers for the mayor. I have been asking for them for 4 years to all the governments that have succeeded each other – says Raggi on the sidelines of an event – If this is really the intention of some exponent of the Democratic Party, let it be he fills his mouth with these words but then when he is in government and in parliament he does nothing, let them show us their will and start working. They sit in the government and have a majority in Parliament, I think it is the right time to do it. ”It is a pity that Giuseppe Conte is at the helm of the government and that the majority in Parliament continues to be five stars, in short, a request that should be made at least to both protagonists.

However, there would be another truth. The idea of an undersecretary for Rome was born before the Rays step forward in their re-election, a definitive exit strategy for the first people who, giving up the race for an encore at the Campidoglio, would have given the green light to the official alliance between the dem and the grillini. The Rays’ leap forward was not enough, however, to definitively put aside the idea of institutional and constitutional disgrace from a sub-secretary of the capital. Everything will depend on the result of the municipal next June. Yes, because just the hypothesis of managing hundreds of millions of euros along the way, let’s say a center-right mayor, could make several political parties nervous, especially in the face of the elections “to follow” for the Region and Parliament. . Soon to discover the cards (the result of the regional and the September referendum is expected), but the game has been in play for a while.
More troubled waters in the center-left, where the choice of the candidate will indicate more or less well-defined alliances. A moderate exponent would be better on the table (that’s why the pressure on Carlo Calenda increases), not only because the Roman left has already recovered its electorate (to the detriment of the grillini) but also to recover that slice of “orphaned” voters from Forza Italy, practically disappeared in the capital, and thus aspire to conquer the Capitol without too many difficulties. However, the accounts are always made with the host. Despite the continued growth of the Democrats in Rome, the latest election results (apart from the discounted supplements from the first municipality) gave the center-right the upper hand in most of the city. In short, an internal derby between the Lega and the FdI that a fortiori cannot ignore a candidate capable of taking to the polls the most important slice of the Roman electorate, that of the undecided. In short, the engines are already warm.