the new positives of august 28, 2020


Contagion map unchanged in the province of Foggia. There are always 14 municipalities in which there is at least one positive case of Coronavirus Covid-19. With 52 today in Puglia, the number of positives currently rises to 684, of these 109 are hospitalized (0.7% in intensive care), while of 5268 cases in general from the beginning of the emergency until today, 4028 are cured.

The new infected in Capitanata and in Puglia

According to reports from the director of the ASL of Foggia, Vito Piazzolla, two of the 15 infected are foreign citizens present in the provincial territory. They are close contacts of cases already identified and tracked by the business hygiene service, a return from Spain, a return from Sardinia; two persons identified during the detection activities. Meanwhile, epidemiological investigation and active surveillance of people in quarantine continue.

Statement from the General Director of Asl Bari, Antonio Sanguedolce

“The epidemiological bulletin today registers 20 cases of positivity to Sars-Cov-2 in the province of Bari, of which 10 are close contacts of subjects already identified by our Prevention Department, 2 returns from Sardinia, and another 3 cases in the “The standard surveillance and follow-up procedures have been activated. The rest of the positives refer to symptomatic subjects treated in the emergency room of ASL hospitals. Hospitalization was required in 10 cases.”

Statement from Asl Bat General Manager Alessandro Delle Donne

“There are 6 cases registered today in the province of Bat: it is a family of 5 from Sardinia and another case that is being investigated.”

Statement by DG Asl Brindisi, Giuseppe Pasqualone

“With reference to the 3 cases registered today, one refers to a person subjected to a swab in anticipation of surgery, the second is a close contact of an already established case. The third presented symptoms indicative of a possible infection and was subjected to to hyssop “.

Statement from Dg Asl Lecce, Rodolfo Rollo

“The 3 cases registered today by the Prevention Department affect two residents of the province of Lecce who have returned from Sardinia and another resident who is being investigated epidemiologically.”

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Statement from Asl Taranto DG Stefano Rossi

“The five positive cases are attributable to people from Sardinia or close relatives of people from Sardinia, in any case of already registered contacts. Precisely for this reason, the prevention department has intensified, increased, the presence of doctors and specialists in the area to quickly prevent any increase in cases or outbreaks ”.
