Covid 19, anti-epidemic plans are left in the drawers. Also from the Renzi government. Research on FQ MillenniuM on newsstands


On March 26, when 8000 victims were registered in Italy, Matteo renzi requires the establishment of a commission of inquiry into the lack of preparation of the institutions for the new coronavirus. We respond to your call, on the issue of monthly payments FQ MillenniuM currently on newsstands, chronologically reconstructing the events that led to what deserves the nickname “CoronaGate”. In particular, we find a series of unpublished documents from theWorld Health Organization andEuropean Union that highlight the structural failures of the apparatus that have made Italy unable to avoid the worst. And we discovered a paradox that probably escaped the Florentine senator and former secretary of the P.S. The prelude to failure, for which our country shares responsibility with the US, the WHO and other EU states, dates back to the time when Renzi was Prime Minister. He was formally the leader of the largest international coalition ever formed to stop infectious threats. Too bad the association has not achieved its purpose.

It is the year 2014. The scarecrow ofEbola, which almost did not spread to the entire world, persuades the mighty of Earth to launch the Global Health Security Agenda (Ghsa). Ghsa’s promoter is the then president of the United States. Barack Obama. The 30 signatory countries (now almost 70, flanked by international organizations and NGOs) entrust the management of the Ghsa Steering Committee to the technicians of the Italian Minister of Health. To take the reins is the minister Beatrice Lorenzin. Their role is to ensure the progress of the work of the various working groups established within the coalition. The multilateral platform, led by Italy until January 2019 (before the five-year presidency passes to the Netherlands) only works on paper. During the Italian administration, the Ghsa lacks harmony and money to strengthen it.

In 2017, a team of Chinese-American researchers published the latest in a series of studies predicting a likely return of SARS coronaviruses nesting in bats (after the previous 2002 epidemic limited to China). In that same year, Paolo Gentiloni replaces Renzi at Palazzo Chigi, confirming Lorenzin at Health. Italy, still in command of GHSA, is participating in a new US-led task force tasked with designing sustainable financing models for pandemic stockpiles. There has been no substantial progress in three years.

The costs of neglect are anticipated in September 2019 in a WHO analysis, according to which an investment of 1.7 to 3 billion euros per year to strengthen health systems would allow save 26 billion in unexpected damages. This estimate almost coincides with the fall in Italian GDP (27 billion) estimated by Ref Ricerche. Not even three months after the WHO prophesied the huge bill to be paid as a result of an expected and underestimated pandemic, Covid-19 has reached Wuhan.

For years, the United States Center for Disease Control has had a branch in the People’s Republic with which, in addition, it collaborates within the Ghsa working group committed to strengthening the capacity of laboratories to intercept potentially harmful microbial species . Since 2018, Washington has also undertaken similar cooperation with European Center for Disease Control (Ecdc) as part of the Transatlantic Working Group on Antimicrobial Resistance. One wonders why COVID-19 then escaped from radar.

A partial answer is in the conclusions, so far never published, from a high-level meeting of national leaders organized by the ECDC in March last year. We read in black and white: “reduced funding and human resources”, “virus surveillance in animals is not sufficient for early warning in case of a threat to human health” and other concerns that echo the delays already reported in 2017 by WHO. The current chairman of the board Giuseppe Conte seems to judge the catastrophe as an inevitable event, stating in the Republic of June 11 that “there was no manual to follow to manage the crisis, only decisions to be taken day by day.”
His doctrine of a total curfew, which Italy is proud to have exported abroad, actually unmasks the architecture of bankruptcy that the prime minister inherited from those who ruled before him: not just Renzi.

We roll up the tape. It is 2009. The WHO is asking governments to strengthen their plans against the pandemic by drawing lessons from the swine flu (H1n1), which has just been sedated. In addition, in 2013 it recommended complementing the plans with police actions targeting a wide range of possible diseases, in addition to influenza. Renzi and his predecessors and successors pretend that nothing has happened. In 2017, the knots come to a head. The ECDC, the EU agency responsible for public health, realizes that the Italian plan has not changed in the period before 2009, like the plans of most other Member States. ECDC and WHO develop one report card, obtained in confidence by FQ MillenniuM, which places Italy among the worst in its class. At the same time, they provide guidance and training to help governments develop response capacities.

The ECDC examination reveals that Almost all plans lack adequate measures to protect the most vulnerable people. and ensure transnational coordination. It is no coincidence that Covid-19 will sow victims, especially among the the elderly and the chronically ill and the Member States will act in no particular order, closing their borders and confining their population in waterfalls. In particular, from the ECDC and WHO assessment it appears that Ithe Italian plan does not have a rapid information system between health authorities, doctors and nurses, a methodology to quickly know the first cases of contagion and the ability to perform laboratory tests and assist patients in overload situations.

The obsolescence of national plans collides with the 2013 EU legislation on cross-border health risks. This requires Member States to notify changes to their plans every three years and furthermore Store medications and protective clothing together in view of possible epidemic hazards.. The problem is that the current legislation does not give binding coordinating powers to the European Commission. Intervention in health matters remains a national prerogative.
Only in the midst of defeat, Italy and its European partners order gloves and masks together, but the infection has spread to health centers and nursing homes.

The Italian plan for the pandemic remains a mystery. The website of the Ministry of Health reports an update to December 2016, but the content appears to have not changed compared to 2010, as indicated on the ECDC website. It is also doubtful whether the scheme was activated or not, as the ECDC asked in the first meetings of the EU Health Safety Committee during the period when infections broke out in northern Italy. The Committee, chaired by the European Commission, has brought together representatives of the member states on several occasions to face the emergency in a unified way.

Last Stand. Between the end of February and the beginning of March, that is, in the period between the hospitalization of patient zero in the Lombard city of Codogno and the national blockade imposed by the government, the WHO and the ECDC carry out a joint investigation in Italy. And they find the root cause of defeat: Non-compliance with international standards for the collection of local data and its disorderly communication at the central level.. The final report, which we were able to consult, indicates that this failure “made it difficult to draw a clear image of the transmission chains and the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of the cases, weakening the ability to assess the level of risk in the country.”

A FQ MillenniuM It seems that so far only Germany, along with perhaps some northern European countries, has regularly applied and updated their national provisions in accordance with the dictates of the ECDC and WHO. One wonders if the documents discovered by us will pass the scrutiny of the Commission of Inquiry in Lombardy, hoping that he will continue his work despite the debut hampered by political skirmishes and the resignation of his president Patrizia Baffi, sponsored by Renzi, who in three months has not deigned to give us comments like Beatrice Lorenzin all the other Italian characters questioned about these events.

Read the full August investigation on FQ MillenniuM, on newsstands and online

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