“Your contribution is insufficient.” Pd bomb on the minister, M5s revolt – Libero Quotidiano


The case opens Lucia azzolina even in most. Is throwing the bomb Andrea Marcucci, leader of the group of P.S to the Senate and the former Renziano di ferro, who in an interview with The impression defined the contribution provided by the Minister of Education grillina “insufficient“, busy as she is to” find a scapegoat“for the possible (probable) failure of the reopening of the schools on September 14.” The subject was approached late and with too many uncertainties “, continued Marcucci, because” we have known since March that this was the priority “” and “we all had to work head-to-head to create the best conditions in September.”

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The reaction of the 5 stars in defense of the colleague was immediate. We continue to support the work of the government: the Democratic Party decide which side to take “, writes the leader of the M5s group to the Senate Gianluca Perilli, while according to its attachment Alessandra maiorino Marcucci’s words are “completely out of place, in terms of time, methods and content.” In short, two weeks after what many call the D-Day of the Conte government, in most of the air begins to shine. And it has nothing to do with this end of August.
