they don’t want to reopen schools, that’s why – Time


Giorgia Meloni

Conte does not know how to reopen schools safely: “Azzolina’s only idea? Banks on wheels”

They don’t know how to safely reopen schools. Giorgia Meloni unmasks the government on the date expected by families with a mixture of anxiety and terror: September 24, when students will return to class. Perhaps. “There are only a few days left and nobody knows how the schools can be opened safely. And the hypothesis that they cannot be reopened is beginning to be feared, whereas in the rest of Europe they did so in the last school year ”, says the leader of Fratelli d’Italia in a video published on the party’s social accounts ( henceforth ea this link the position of FdI).

But, why in the government “I do not want or do not want” to start the school year? “The point is not the contagions – says Meloni at a rally – They do not want to reopen them because they do not want to show that they did not have an idea for a safe school. We have a minister who had the only brilliant idea to put benches with wheels to make a bumper in the classroom ”, he concludes, pointing to the Minister of Education, the grillina Lucía Azzolina.

De Luca slows down: in these conditions the school cannot open
