Phase 2 in Campania, De Luca takes time: «Restaurants and pizzerias closed until Thursday»


“All the work of these various committees, countercommittees and subcommittees these days has led to a simple conclusion, which is summarized in the password that Totò used in a famous movie, when he looked out the window of a closed house and said: Get organized» The president of the Campania region, Vincenzo De Luca, said it in the usual direct Facebook on Friday.

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“This is the synthesis of the scientific work and the elaboration of the thousand committees that we have appointed: come in, save yourself who can. This is my feeling, this is what we have come to. In Campania we will try to follow our line despite everything: to reopen everything, but to reopen forever, not to pretend to open again and to be forced after a week to close because the infection may explode ».

In the perspective of self-management, therefore, «the Campania region will take different measures Regarding beach and restaurant activities, to give restaurateurs time to prepare, I think it is necessary to open all Thursday and not Monday. In addition, De Luca said, only today it seems that the government will give guidelines for economic activities of various kinds. To date, in fact, we have only had INAIL guidelines that are inconsistent with some economic activities. ” Later, the governor explained that he believed “that it is necessary to open all Thursday and not Monday, because on Monday there will not even be time to disinfect the facilities, to prepare for more open measures that the Region wants to take.” If we were to open Monday with current guidelines, 70% of restaurants would not open. The Region wants to open 90% of restaurants, open everything, but to achieve this result we must approve different measures that are less restrictive. We want to aspire to have a distance of one meter between clients, but to achieve this we are developing a security protocol that allows the placement of protective panels between one table and another, made of plexiglass, glass or washable plastic, the important thing is that it is not material porous ».

Among the few certainties of these times, the closure of the regional borders continues to be: “At least for this month, until the end of May, we will maintain the impediment to enter Campania from the northern regions, but also from other regions,” he reiterated. De Luca «The government said it will give more flexibility to the Regions, but it does not make sense: if we do not block mobility between the region and the region, the risk of exploiting throughout Italy. We will maintain this link throughout the month of May, then we will see ». However, the danger of the exodus from the north is still alive: «From May 4 until today, De Luca recalled: almost 25 thousand people have arrived and we still do not know what the evolution will be from the point of view of contagion. We will make a careful control to try, as far as humanly possible, to guarantee our citizens the maximum conditions of serenity. Therefore, we will maintain the impediment to enter Campania, at least during this month you cannot enter, except for work or health reasons. Those who go in search of stable affections and relationships with friends will be kind enough to wait another 20 days and not bother us ». Last update: 15:41 © RESERVED REPRODUCTION
