Csm investigation, after the article on ilfattoquotidiano.it resigns the chief of staff of the Ministry of Justice


The chief of staff of the Ministry of Justice. Fulvio Baldi I quit. News agencies report “personal reasons” very briefly. The regency was entrusted to the head of the legislative office, Mauro Vitiello.

The resignation comes shortly after the phone call with the newspaper Il Fatto (and the publication on the site of ilfattoquotidiano.it of the article by Marco Lillo and Antonio Massari: “Csm, in the newspapers the overwhelming power of the current of Palamara even within the ministry”) that read to Baldi the interceptions of the conversations with Luca Palamara from the period from April to May 2019. In those conversations, Baldi spoke of recommendations in favor of an afternoon and a judge who wanted to go to work at the Ministry in via Arenula. Around 20, after the phone call ended, Baldi had an interview with the Minister Alfonso Bonafede. At the end of the interview, it was decided to resign his position that he held on June 28, 2018.

Csm, in the newspapers the overwhelming power of the Palamara stream also within the ministry. The chief of staff:
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Csm, in the newspapers the overwhelming power of the Palamara stream also within the ministry. The chief of staff: “What the hell are we doing with ours?”

Sources close to the minister made it known that Bonafede did not appreciate the current logic alleged by Baldi in telephone conversations with Luca Palamara. The Chief of Staff (obviously never investigated) spoke to his current friend and colleague during the period when Palamara was investigated and intercepted by the Gico of the Rome GdF in a secret investigation by the Perugia prosecutors that a few weeks ago ended with the presentation of the documents and the accusation of corruption against the former CSM councilor. At that time Baldi, who played for many years in Unicost, centrist current of which Palamara He was a leader and outgoing advisor to CSM, he could not know the existence of the Perugia file (then without suspects) that was revealed by the fact on September 27, 2018.

The post of chief of staff remains vacant, but Alfonso Bonafede for now he has entrusted the regency to Mauro Vitiello, the head of the legislative office mentioned in Palamara’s interceptions with Baldi.

Mauro VitielloAccording to Baldi, after an interview in April 2019 with a Modena prosecutor who wanted to come to the ministry, he had not wanted to take her. The doctor Katia Marino It had been recommended to Baldi by Luca Palamara. He still works in the Modena Prosecutor’s Office and is obviously not at fault in this matter as he only asked his friend Luca Palamara who was in Rome if a person on the Ministry staff was needed. In his listening, Baldi argued that Vitiello was also against the area of ​​the MD, the progressive current of the opposition Unicost judicial power. However, as Baldi explained yesterday to the Fact during the interview that preceded his resignation, “I thought he was from Maryland and then discovered that Vitiello is not part of it.”

Now Alfonso Bonafede He has to decide who his new chief of staff will be, a crucial position for the ministry’s operation.

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Csm, in the newspapers the overwhelming power of the Palamara stream also within the ministry. The chief of staff: “What the hell are we doing with ours?”

