It is an epidemic alarm among children.


since Kawasaki syndrome found in small patients infected with coronavirusIn the face of the alarm raised by the Mayor of New York about the peak of infections among children, when many countries are heading for recovery, a new threat arises. Children are no longer immune, as experts said at the beginning of the epidemic.

In the United States alone, there have been 150 cases of contagion among children. Already the immunologist Anthony FauciDuring the deposition in the Senate, he had invited not to make this evaluation error. The news of the last days is confirming the worst suspicions: in New York there are one hundred infected children, one of 5 years old, dead.

De blasio He made an unusual appeal to New York parents: “Call the doctor at the first symptom. It can be instrumental in saving these children’s lives.” Cases have also been reported in Louisiana, Mississippi, and California and around fifty in Europe, including France, Switzerland, Spain, and the United Kingdom. In the United States, doctors in at least eighteen states have accelerated research on young patients.

Signs to watch out for are prolonged fever, skin inflammation, conjunctivitis, and lymphadenopathy. The first cases, according to a study by researchers fromUniversity of BirminghamAlabama was reported in early March. The correlation with the so-called “Kawasaki syndrome”, which is found among children up to 8 years old, appeared in a recent study published by Lancet and carried out by researchers from the Papa Giovanni XXIII hospital in Bergamo.

In general, inflammatory symptoms appear in children as a post viral consequence, he says. Jeffrey Burns, researcher at Boston Children’s Hospital. “This syndrome, he explains, is not caused directly by the virus, but is related to an immunodeficiency.” But no one can explain why.

The problem is that the symptoms continue to show alarming and increasingly severe signs: in the past few weeks, the inflammations seem to have affected the arteries of young patients, attacking the heart. The Governor of the State of New York, Andrew CuomoHe did not hide his concern: “We are witnessing something we have never seen before, something unexpected. We must be very careful.”
