From the Ministry of Tourism, they ensure that there is no punitive intention towards online agencies, the great tourism platforms of the United States, such as Booking. com, Expedia and Airbnb. However, pending the decree that implements the dicastery led by Dario Franceschini, the multinationals in the accommodation brokerage (houses, hotels, villas, farms, bed & breakfast) feel excluded from the vacation voucher that provides up to 500 euros of reimbursement for families that from July 1 will remain in our country transferring the billing of a sector prostrated by the emergency. 80% is set up as a discount in consideration due to the structure, the remaining 20% as an income tax deduction.
Today in a hearing at the Senate Industry Committee Airbnb’s country manager in Italy, Giacomo Found, notes that the tax credit appears to exclude the use of digital platforms for payment and thus benefit from this measure. We express our dissent in this regard. Adding that the distribution of holiday coupons to families to be used in all tourist accommodation and accommodations would be a simpler measure. Booking.com, controlled by parent company Priceline with European tax offices in the Netherlands, also shares the same content. The boss in Italy, Alberto Yates, confesses bitterness because the people who reserve and pay immediately on telematic portals are discriminated against. In the reserves, he says, there are very slight, small signs of recovery. When there are certain dates on the loosening of the block, there is a recovery. Even if you look at the high season.
The problem is closely related to the need to support tourism in Italy A sector that in Italy manages 13% of the GDP and runs the risk of accumulating losses of more than 100 billion in 2020, a collapse with strong employment and social consequences. Historically, platforms are accused of selling the fact in Italy by taking advantage of the lack of a fully Italian portal capable of effectively mediating tourism demand and accommodation supply in our country. For years it has been said that ENIT, the tourism promotion agency, unable to do the job, should have. Several times curated and relaunched to push belpaese to the four corners of the world.
All Great Olta, acronym for online agencies, including figure including Expedia, they often come under the lens from a tax point of view, in addition to accusations of unfair competition from the hoteliers federation complaining of too high commissions, ranging from 15 to 20% of transaction value, taking advantage of its extraordinary power of algorithmic indexing in Google, obtained by the price of large investments in search engine marketing. There have been several investigations by prosecutors and the Tax Agency for the alleged non-payment of VAT and for declared (reduced) invoicing that is consolidated by parent companies in the Netherlands or elsewhere, with a tax rate lower corporate. Furthermore, the charges of tax triangulation historically affect all of the big tech giants. It seems that the executive wanted to exclude them so as not to benefit them further, but it is clear that Internet users risk avoiding them in the search for accommodation from whose invoice to obtain a refund.