Coronavirus, the neighborhood nurse, is born: “More medications in the area”


Covid makes investment in healthcare soar. The relaunch decree approved on Wednesday brings 3,000 250 million as dowry to the public service. In addition to those who arrived with the budget law and the March decree, they total 6 billion and 845 million. In practice, some historical gaps are filled that have weakened the National Health Service over the years. The structural interventions specify the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza: “A lasting strengthening”. Is it really so? In the 1990s, in the days of AIDS, hundreds of infectious disease beds were funded, which was then largely dismantled when treatments arrived. It was thought not necessary. And instead. The focus now shifts to out-of-hospital facilities. The burden on them restricts case recovery and prevents patients from being hospitalized. The range of assistance for people over 65 is expanding. The percentage of people followed in the home increases from 4% to 6.7%, a rate higher than the OECD average.

Home care for the frail also doubles

Home care for the frail is also doubled, regardless of disease. The network in the area has been strengthened with the strengthening of the prevention departments and the creation of special units for continuity of care, the Usca, organizations made up of on-call doctors, general practitioners, and outpatient specialists in charge of following up on positive people In the home. An organizational model designed to quickly locate new cases and track contacts. The Usca have the function of managing outpatients. In situations where it is not possible to leave them at home, the alternative is territorial isolation structures, for example hotels and rented accommodation. “The technicians tell us that a second wave of infections should not be ruled out, we are preparing,” says Speranza.

Il Corriere has created a newsletter on the virus and phase 2. It’s free: sign up here

9,600 new hires

The backbone of the network is the neighborhood nurses, 9,600 new hires. A path already taken by some Regions, led by Lazio, which in a resolution for the strengthening of primary care attributes a key role to the so-called Proactive Nursing Assistance for activities at home. Intensive care beds continue to grow, fearing that in October, with the return of the cold season, the curve will begin to rise again, which will accompany the flu. The seats become 11,091, almost double compared to the basic equipment existing in February, when the Covid exploded. They should become permanent. Finally, the purchase of high biocontainment ambulances for the transfer of infected patients, incentives for SNN staff, more hiring of doctors and an increase of 4,200 specialized scholarships, in particular anesthesia and resuscitation, emergency medicine, pulmonology, infectious diseases . .

May 14, 2020 (change May 14, 2020 | 11:39 pm)

