The amnesty to regularize 600,000 immigrants angered everyone, including Matteo Salvini. The leader of the League, in fact, could not help comparing the crying of Teresa Bellanova, creator of the proposal, with that of Elsa Fornero. The former labor minister wept in front of everyone, announcing what was a severe blow to retirees. Italia Minister Viva did not take well the words of number one of the Carroccio: “I do not blame Salvini because he does not know the effort that some workers feel for not feeling anything, for feeling discarded. But Salvini’s fault is that he did not even try to understand it, especially when those people have no voice and are invisible. ” A statement that will undoubtedly have made Lilli Gruber animate Otto e Mezzo. However, Bellanova forgets one important thing: even Italians at this time of great difficulty would need help. Maybe just from that relaunch that took months to come.