Sanatoriums, domestic workers and caregivers 500 euros for regularization


it was the last knot to be untied. Also because article 110 bis of the relaunch decree establishes a mechanism that should lead to the ordering of 200 thousand people. Two channels. Regularization of an illegal employment relationship, of an Italian or foreign employee with a permit. Adequate sanatorium, but for six months, for the foreigner who has the expired permit and shows that he has already worked in Italy.

Who has the right

Only three sectors participate: agriculture, fishing and domestic work, that is, housekeeper, babysitters and caregivers. The request can be made by the employer, that is, the family in the case of the domestic sector. Be directly from the worker. The employer requesting the regularization of the ongoing relationship with an Italian or foreign citizen pays 500 euros for each regularized worker. If you are a foreigner, you must have already been registered for the residence permit, before March 8 of this year, and you must have remained in Italy after that date. In this case, the suspension of criminal and administrative proceedings against the employer is triggered. But not for the most serious crimes, like immigration facilitation or hired man.

Alternatively, the worker can apply directly. You must have a residence permit that expired on October 31 of last year. You can apply for a six-month temporary residence permit proving that you worked before October 31 in one of the three planned sectors. Pay a contribution of 160 euros. This path can also be traveled by asylum seekers who, after 60 days of the application, have obtained a work permit and, therefore, can demonstrate, like the others, that they have worked. Foreigners who have received an expulsion order or have received serious sentences, even if only in the first instance, for crimes such as the exploitation of prostitution or drug trafficking are excluded.

Who to contact

Three channels will manage the files. In the event of a simple occurrence of undeclared work, you should contact INPS. The employer who wants to put the non-EU employee in a good position must go to the immigration desk of the Interior Ministry. Finally, the foreigner who wants to apply for a temporary residence permit must go directly to the police headquarters.


Applications can be submitted between June 1 and July 15. There will be no click day, all submitted requests will be accepted, of course, if they meet the established criteria. Some details remain to be defined. A subsequent decree will have to establish the employer’s income limits that can proceed with the regularization and the necessary documentation to demonstrate the employment relationship that must be remedied.
