Having exceeded the threshold of 30,000 recovered in the Region, the decline continues in the ICU and other Covid wards in Lombardy hospitals.
Here are the data of the infections of Covid-19 for the Lombardy region on Thursday, May 14. The number of deaths from coronavirus in Lombardy increases. In the last 24 hours 111 people died with the certification of the infection, yesterday they were 69, the day before yesterday 62. The total thus reaches 15,296 deaths. And infections also increase, with a greater number of swabs: more 522 in one day, with 14,080 swabs performed, while yesterday there had been 394 with just under 11,000 swabs). The total number of infections reaches 83,820. In the past 24 hours, 635 people have recovered, taking the total beyond the 30,000 quota threshold. “Today’s data is positive, stressed Councilman Rolfi, as evidenced by the 522 positive results in 14,080 tampons, therefore 3.6%, in addition to the number of people cured that helps us exceed the total participation of 30,000 citizens who have already they don’t have coronaviruses. “
To these data must be added those of patients hospitalized in intensive care, minus 10 compared to yesterday (when the fall had been 15 compared to the previous 24 hours), while in normal wards the fall is 189 patients (yesterday 215 ). With today’s numbers, said the Regional Councilor for Agriculture, Fabio Rolfi, the r0 index fell to 0.53 against a national average of 0.7.
There are 29 coronavirus cases in Bergamo today (24 yesterday) for a total of 12,347 cases, while 106 (94 yesterday) in Brescia, marking a contagion trend in line with the past few days. As for the other Lombard provinces, the new positive for coronavirus are 42 in Como (yesterday 10), 12 in Cremona (yesterday 18), 16 in Lecco (yesterday 22), 12 in Lodi (yesterday 8), 9 in Mantua ( yesterday 11), 41 in Monza Brianza (yesterday 29), 47 in Pavia (29 yesterday), 17 in Sondrio (4 yesterday), 20 in Varese (29 yesterday).

“Good news: those who fully recovered from Covid-19, with the double negative damper, exceeded 30,000 in Lombardy, or 653 in one day,” said the Councilor for Welfare of the Lombardy Region, Giulio Gallera, commenting. about today’s data on the spread of the coronavirus. “There are also 297 hospitalized patients – he added – 297 in intensive care, while 4818 patients remained in the medicine and pulmonology wards, 189 fewer than yesterday. More than 14 thousand swabs made».
“Our doctors, nurses and operators, stressed the commissioner, are doing a great job, both within the hospital structures and in the area. The tools that we have implemented in a structural way will accompany all Lombards towards a” new normal ” also in the health sector. “
Below are the data of today’s infections and those of the previous day:
– the swabs made: 538,243 (+14,080) yesterday: 524,163 (+10,919), the day before yesterday: 513,244 (+20,602)
– the positive cases are: 83,820 (+522), yesterday: 83,298 (+394), the day before yesterday: 82,904 (+614) * to which 419 cases reported the day before yesterday must be added, but which date from the period prior to the date May 5
– the cured 30,009 (+653), yesterday: 29,356 (+1,113), the day before yesterday: 28,243
– in intensive care: 297 (-10), yesterday: 307 (-15), the day before yesterday: 322 (-19)
– hospitalized patients who are not in intensive care: 4,818 (-189), yesterday: 5,007 (-215), the day before yesterday: 5,222 (-175)
– deaths: 15,296 (+111), yesterday: 15,185 (+69), the day before yesterday: 15,116 (+62)
The cases by province with the update compared to the last days:
MI: 21,900 (+169) of which 9,251 (+66) in the city of Milan, yesterday: 21,731 (+105) of which 9,185 (+63) in the city of Milan, the day before yesterday: 21,626 (+136) of of which 9,122 (+51) in the city of Milan
BG: 12,347 (+29), yesterday: 12,318 (+24), the day before yesterday: 12,294 (+133) * to which must be added 370 cases reported the day before yesterday, but dating from the period prior to the date of May 5
The Councilor for Agriculture, Food and Green Systems of the Lombardy Region, Fabio Rolfi, will update the situation of the Coronavirus on a direct Facebook at 17:30 on Thursday, May 14.. It will be possible to follow it on the Facebook page LombardiaNotizieOnline and on the website www.lombardianotizie.online, but also on our website.