There are 22 new positive cases of coronavirus in Lazio, of these 12 in the city of Rome. Data, from May 14, coincide with those that were already recorded two days ago, confirming how the trend of those newly infected with Covid-19 has settled downhill.
Specifically, in the capital, there are 5 new positive cases in Asl Rm1, six in Asl Rm2 and only one in Asl Roma 3, which also includes the territory of Fiumicino. In the province, on the other hand, there are 7 new patients in general, of these six come from the Rome Local Health Authority. 6. Latina, Frosinone, Rieti and Viterbo, together, register 3 new infections.
Coronavirus: the situation in the ASLs of Rome and Lazio
Asl Roma 1: 5 new positive cases. 22 people came out of home surveillance. Operative 2 swabs in the car for seroprevalence research: 1 at Casa della Salute in Via San Daniele del Friuli and 1 at Hospital San Giovanni
ASL Rome 2: 6 new positive cases. 7 people abandoned home surveillance. Operative 2 swabs in the seroprevalence research unit: 1 in the Polyclinic of the Biomedical Campus and 1 in the Casa della Salute Santa Caterina della Rosa
ASL Roma 3: 1 new positive case. 12 people abandoned home surveillance. Operative 2 swabs in the seroprevalence research unit: 1 in the general management of Casal Bernocchi and 1 in the former garrison of Forlanini
ASL Rome 4: 1 new positive case. 169 people have abandoned home surveillance. Operative 2 swabs in the car for seroprevalence research: 1 in the Civitavecchia Hospital and 1 in the Bracciano Hospital
ASL Rome 5: There are no new positive cases. 11 people came out of home surveillance. 2 operational buffering locations in the seroprevalence research unit: 1 in the Guidonia Agri-Food Center and 1 in Colleferro, Via degli Esplosivi
Asl Roma 6: 6 new positive cases. 3 deaths. 196 people have abandoned home surveillance. Operation 1 swab for seroprevalence research at the Hospital de Castelli
ASL Latina: 1 new positive case. 0 deaths. 20 people abandoned home surveillance. Operative 2 swabs in the car for seroprevalence research: 1 in the Goretti Hospital in Latina and 1 in Gaeta, Piazza di Liegro
Asl Frosinone: 1 new positive case. 0 deaths. 22 people came out of home surveillance. Operative 2 swabs in the car for seroprevalence research: 1 in Cassino hospital and 1 in Frosinone hospital
ASL Viterbo: 1 new positive case. 0 deaths. 5 people abandoned home surveillance. Operation 1 swab for seroprevalence research at the Belcolle Hospital in Viterbo
Asl Rieti: There are no new positive cases. 0 deaths. Operational workstation 1 in disk buffer for seroprevalence research in Piazzale Istituto D’Arte in Rieti
D’Amato’s comment on May 14 data
“Today we registered a figure of 22 positive cases in the last 24 hours, in addition to 19 recoveries from previous notifications and a trend of 0.3%. – Stresses the councilor of health in Lazio Alessio D’Amato – The number of people recovered in the last 24 hours have grown by 162 units.The trend has steadily decreased in the provinces where there are a total of three cases in the last 24 hours and zero deaths.4 deaths in the last 24 hours to which 14 are added deaths due to recovery from previous notifications, while healers continue to grow to 2,600 in total. “
Controls on RSA and accredited private social welfare structures continue. To date, 700 nursing homes have been inspected throughout the territory.
Spallanzani Newsletter May 14
There are 111 patients admitted to Spallanzani in Rome, 62 are positive for covid19 and 49 are under investigation. Spallanzani’s medical bulletin explains this, making it clear that 8 patients need respiratory support and that 432 patients have been discharged and transferred to their home or local structures this morning.
Serological tests and samples of ATAC controllers
“The first serological tests began on Atac personnel that the company chose to carry out to protect its personnel and travelers from public transport. The epidemiological investigation through serological tests carried out on blood samples will be carried out on a sample of 800 Swabs will be carried out in suspicious cases derived from the results of serological tests. ” This is what Atac does on Facebook.
“This extraordinary health protocol, he explains, has the specific objective of limiting the risk of transmission of Covid-19 among the company personnel who perform the daily service, and consequently also protects users of the public service. From the beginning of the health emergency and thanks to the collaboration of all employees, Atac has implemented all the actions to combat the epidemic, which up to now have resulted in a percentage of positive cases equal to 0.06% of more than 11 thousand employees.
Inauguration of the self-service buffer station in San Giovanni Addolorata
Coronavirus: integration of tests and swabs in Lazio
Integration between tests and swabs. The Lazio region aims to approve three documents: the first containing the list of analysis laboratories divided by ASL that can perform the tests, the second related to informed consent for the use of data for public health purposes, and finally , a third document for the identification of the ‘entry’ locations for the execution of the swabs charged to the Regional Health Service (SSR) only for those who have had a positive seroprevalence test.
“This system allows us to have a mapping of how the virus has circulated, to have all the data entered into the system and to quickly submit positive asymptomatic people to the swab seroprevalence test. In the second phase, the key word is ‘integration’ between the test and the tampons. We should test, trace and treat, “said the Health Councilor for the Lazio Region, Alessio D’Amato.
Where and how to do serological tests in Rome: here is the complete list of laboratories
Blood collection does not stop
To facilitate the scheduled collection of blood in the territory, the Municipality of Rome XIV Monte Mario and ASL Rome 1, in collaboration with Avis, the Italian Red Cross Committee of Municipalities 13 and 14 in Rome and Ema-Rome have organized a new dating cycle.
May 15, 8-12 am Piazza Santa Maria della Pietà 5, for reservations donatori.sangue@criroma13-14.
May 21, 8-12 am Via Andrea Barbato (Torresina), for reservations [email protected]
June 8, 8-12 am Piazza San Zaccaria Papa (Primavalle), for reservations [email protected]
July 13, 8-12 am Via Andrea Barbato (Torresina), for reservations [email protected]
The other news
Eco-sustainable spacers for the beach: distances maintained thanks to a marine plant
Inauguration of the self-service buffer station in San Giovanni Addolorata
Phase 2 of parks and green areas.
Coronavirus: closed spinacete clinic
Phase 2 of activities for the disabled
Coronavirus: funds for tourism
Vademecum week.
Serological tests: gypsies at the Guardia di Finanza barracks
Volunteering travels on a route
The restart of the toilets
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Article updated at 5:24 pm on May 14, 2020