Survey: are you satisfied with the relaunch decree? This is the question that Money.it wants to address its readers in light of the approval by the Council of Ministers of the expected provision (here all the main measures and the full text in pdf) that provides for the allocation of 55 billion to support families, workers , companies and All sectors affected by the health and economic crisis caused by the coronavirus.
Survey: are you satisfied with the relaunch decree?

Survey: are you satisfied with the relaunch decree?
To answer the survey, click on the box above
After a long wait the Revival Decree, formerly of April, finally saw the light of day with the CdM’s definitive go-ahead that arrived only on the afternoon of Wednesday, May 13, after white smoke after a series of postponements was scheduled for the previous weekend.
The work has curbed disagreements within the majority about amnesty for foreign workers, with the 5 Star Movement that finally yielded to the requests of the allies, in addition to finding the necessary funds to finance layoffs.
“For two months only promises“It was the attack of Matteo Salvini to the government while for the prime minister Giuseppe Conte “the delays have not escaped us, but with these 55 billion we want to help families and companies“
The purpose of poll proposed by Money.it, what we remember has no scientific value, but only indicative, since it is not made by sample, it is to know the opinion of its readers about a reactivation decree that in the government’s intentions should be able to support citizens during this period of crisis .
The survey on the relaunch decree
Instead of a decree, what has been renamed Relaunch is one actual financial maneuver, with an overall impact almost double compared to the latest budget laws established by Parliament.
After the approval by the classrooms, a budget variation of 55 billionTherefore, the government was able to intervene to put into operation a series of measures necessary to support the country in this period of great crisis caused by the coronavirus.
Among the most important measures included in the Revival Decree there is the increase from 600 to 1,000 euros of the bonus for VAT numbers, the extension of layoffs and Naspi, the introduction of emergency income, the suspension of IRAP, non-refundable contributions for companies and the nanny bonus doubled to 1,200 €.
“After two months of promise, patience is over – commented Matteo Salvini – There is a will to collaborate for the good of the country, but so far the government has not accepted any of the League’s proposals.“
by Giorgia Meloni instead, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte should not “tell us how many resources you will spend, but when will they reach families and companiesControversy too Antonio Tajani who spoke of “Delay decree“
However, on the part of the majority, there is great satisfaction in having approved a very complex text that, in its intentions, will cushion all those problematic situations that arose after the outbreak of the coronavirus emergency.
“With today’s decree – he is stressed Nicola Zingaretti – The government has sent 55 billion for companies, workers and families. The largest investment in the university, in health, ecological incentives, helps not to leave people and companies alone. Unprecedented resources in the history of the Republic“
Now that the relaunch decree has finally become official, with this poll Money.it he wants to understand whether the measures decided by the government can be considered satisfactory in light of the ongoing crisis.