Increased days of special leave, a extra babysitter superior that can also be used to pay for summer camps and the possibility of requesting telework. These are the measures intended for families, present in the Revival Decree and announced by the Prime Minister after the Council of Ministers on May 13: expected and necessary interventions to support all the nuclei that must face the school closings. Furthermore, the Prime Minister specified shortly Giuseppe Conte During the press conference, “We will offer a range of solutions for summer camps.” And at the same time, he added: “We will start working immediately to building renovations (from schools ed.) so that our children, youth and youth return to school in conditions of maximum security. “
Pending the publication of the final text of the decree, the first reactions have already arrived. Since Family forum who still considers that the interventions are insufficient: “Until now we have been very collaborative and understanding with the executive,” said the president. Gigi De Palo“But we must register that none of our proposals, all of which, however, broadly sustainable, concrete and common sense, have been accepted: there is no extraordinary child allowance, parental leave remains at 50 percent, the contribution for self-employed workers continues without taking into account family charges and the presence of dependent children, as well as emergency income. There is no adequate response for work-family reconciliation policies, for the educational needs of our children or for equal schools. Tax discrimination against families continues to be a concern. ”
These are the measures for families with dependent children.
Parental leave – The days of special leave go from 15 to 30 and, however, you can apply until the end of July. Parents employed with children up to 12 years old can request it. The measure establishes an allocation equivalent to 50 percent of salary.
BONY BABY SITTER – It also doubles the babysitting bonus (€ 1,200) and it can also be used alternatively to pay for summer camps. It also amounts to 2,000 euros for the accredited public and private health sector, for the public security, defense and rescue sector. Families with incomes of up to 36 thousand euros will also have an additional deduction of 300 euros. However, the voucher is “incompatible with the use of the kindergarten voucher”.
RIGHT TO TELEPHONY – Until the end of the epidemiological emergency, parents employed in the private sector who have at least one child under the age of 14, as long as there is no other non-working parent or beneficiary of income support tools in the family, have the right to do the job in agile mode even in the absence of individual agreements, without prejudice to the condition that this method is compatible with the characteristics of the service. Job performance on the nimble job can also be accomplished through IT tools at employee availability if not provided by the employer.
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