Oral 2020, the decree reaches the Senate on May 21



The oral maturity of 2020, the discussion of the decree in the Senate is still very far

The oral maturity of 2020, the discussion of the decree in the Senate is still very far –
Source: istock

Askanews and Orizzonte scuola confirm this: Decree Law April 8, 2020, n. 22, which among other things also contains important information on the progress of the 2020 high school interviewwill come to the senate to discuss next May 21.

Student concern about Facebook group Maturity 2020, who fear that after that date the cards on the table will change even more. Possibilities that some of them have already touched on: in fact, many devoted themselves to preparing a document required by teachers before the specifications contained in the draft state examination ordinance, but now they have been forced to suspend work preparation pending official confirmation.

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The examination of the school decree was postponed, writes Orizzonte Scuola, due to internal disagreements in the government about the conduct of the extraordinary competition. In fact, the amendments tabled, which will be examined by the Senate, refer to:

  • The reopening of the rankings
  • Competition for qualifications and length of service.

How much do you basically have to worry about maturity? Very little, since the essential information on the conduct of the maxi-oral is contained in the MIUR ordinance. All the information that Minister Azzolina also confirmed yesterday in detail during his report to the Culture Commission of the Chamber of Deputies.

Therefore, we expect more information, which we hope will arrive before May 21.

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