
Covid19: In the first week of Phase 2 in Campania, the number of hospitalized patients remains stable (450 to 11 May), which has continuously decreased since April 13. But the end of the block after 2 months does not currently mark a significant recovery from infections. Positive swab data remains below 1%. Here is the first report a few days after the reopening drafted by the Campania team of physicists consisting of Clementine Sasso (INAF, National Institute of Astrophysics), Maria Rosaria Santovito (Co.Ri.S.T.A., Consortium for Research in Advanced Remote Sensing Systems), Raffaele Liuzzi and Giorgio Punzo (CNR, National Research Council). It is only the first data, however, scientists warn, it is not yet indicative. In order to specifically assess the effects of the blockade, in fact, we will still have to wait until the end of the week, at least, considering that the incubation period for the virus has been calculated at 14 days.
About a week after the start of Phase 2, we take stock of the situation. The daily percentage of positives in swabs performed remains below 1%, even with some small fluctuations compared to the constant trend that followed for a few days (around 0.3-0.4%), such as the value recorded yesterday at 0.6% . However, we want to draw attention to one of the indicators of the trend of infection that seems to be in counter-trend: the total number of hospitalized. This number, which had started a slow but steady decline since April 13, had a setback in the past week, remaining almost stable around the value of 450 units (data updated on May 11). For now, we will only report this unexpected figure. In the coming days, we will continue to monitor the behavior of this indicator with great care. The data for next week, especially for the days close to May 18, will give us more complete information on the actual progress of the infection in the current phase 2. For now, we still remember that to limit the spread of the virus, we always you need a sense of responsibility and social distance. .
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