The CDM approved the $ 55 billion maneuver for the restart. The Prime Minister: “It is like two maneuvers, taking the necessary time.” Gualtieri: “We are going to lay the foundations for recovery.” Government-Regions Agreement for quick dismissals and INPS subsidy. There will be 15-16 billion for companies, 3.25 billion for medical care, 1.4 billion for universities and research, 2 billion for tourism.
Tax reduction by 4 billion. In June, Irap reduced, blocking layoffs for 5 months. The Rem fluctuates from 400 to 800 euros depending on the family, Bellanova is moved by announcing the 6-month regularization of workers, domestic workers and caregivers. Here are the main measures.
Stop increases in VAT and excise duties, the plastic and sugar tax
Safeguard clauses canceled with VAT increases and special taxes for future years. The entry into force of the sugar and plastic tax has been postponed until 2021
Grants for SMEs
10 billion for SMEs of up to 5 million in turnover. The subsidies will be disbursed, accredited by the Tax Agency, provided they have suffered a general fall in income of at least a third in April compared to the same period in 2019. The compensation is 20% for a turnover of up to 400 thousand euro, 15% up to between 400 thousand euros and a million and 10% beyond this threshold and up to 5 million. Self-certification of regularity against the mob is also required for filing the application. A tax credit of 60% on rental for three months (on condition that there is a loss of turnover of at least 50% in the reference month) and the freezing of fixed charges on invoices until July.
Measures for medium-sized companies
For companies between € 5 million and € 50 million that have experienced a reduction in income of not less than 33%, support will come for recapitalization and tax exemption for capital increases. The capital increase must not be less than 250,000 euros. A tax discount of up to 2 million over three years is anticipated in IRES or IRPEF to help private recapitalizations.
Measures for businesses of more than 50 million in turnover
For companies with more than 50 million turnover, the Cdp enters the field with a ‘dedicated capital’ (Relaunch Capital), separate from Cassa, for the support and revitalization of the Italian productive economic system through which companies can be granted anonymous, also listed, convertible bonds, guarantee of participation in capital increases and the purchase of listed shares in the secondary market in the event of strategic transactions. Interventions related to corporate restructuring operations are also possible which, despite temporary capital or financial imbalances, have adequate prospects for profitability. The relaunch assets will be promoted through government bonds issued by the MEF. It can also be financed by issuing bonds or other financial debt instruments with the guarantee of the last resort of the State.
12 billion to release PA debts
Cash advances of € 12 billion are expected in favor of local authorities and the health system to pay the administrations’ debts for supplies, contracts and services. Of this dowry, 6,500 million are destined for municipalities, provinces and metropolitan cities, 1,500 million are for the regions and 4,000 million are reserved for local health companies. Cdp manages the resources with advances that will be returned in 30 years. –
Irap stops in June for companies of up to 250 million
Stop the balance and the advance and the 40% IRAP that expires in June for all companies with up to 250 million turnover (it will not be conditioned to the registered losses). A discount of around 4 billion to 2 million companies and professionals. Banks, financial institutions, insurance companies and public administrations are excluded.
Discounts for those who invest in companies in crisis
Tax incentives to encourage investments in medium-sized companies with an annual turnover of between 5 and 50 million euros that have suffered a reduction in turnover derived from the spread of Covid-19. An IRPEF deduction of 30% of the amount invested in the capital stock of damaged companies is foreseen for an amount not exceeding 1 million, therefore, with a maximum tax saving of 300,000 euros.
Imu stop in June for hotels and factories
Abolition of the payment of the first fee of the IMU, fee-State and fee-Municipality that expires on June 16, for hotels, farms, tourist towns, youth hostels, campsites, mountain refuges, thermal and maritime bathing establishments.
Health aid extended to the third sector
60% tax credit for sanitation costs, also extended to the third sector.
There is no public land tax for bars and restaurants.
Outdoor bars, restaurants, and clubs will not have to pay the public land occupancy tax for outdoor tables until October. An assignable tax credit equal to 60% of the expenses incurred is required for the interventions necessary to restart activities.
Innovative startup funds
Support measures arrive for innovative new companies, through the refinancing of the Venture Capital Fund and through a Fund for the transfer of technology.
Redundancy fund for another 9 weeks
Covid’s dismissal was financed for another 9 weeks, in addition to the 9 weeks already provided by Cura Italia dl: 5 can be used until the end of August, for those who have already used it, and the other 4, if necessary, between September and October . The procedure for speeding up payments has been simplified, particularly for the cash dispenser. The additional appropriation for 2020 planned to finance the salary integration treatments, if necessary to continue the effects of the emergency on employment, is reduced to 2.7 billion. There is also a guarantee fund for the advance payment of salary integration treatments.
Stop layoffs for another 3 months
The suspension of the dismissals extends for another 3 months, in addition to the 60 days already provided for by the Cura Italia decree. The prohibition refers to the beginning of the collective dismissal procedures, the pending ones started after February 23, 2020 and the termination of the employment contract for justified objective reasons.
Another 2 months for NASpI and DIS-COLL to expire
Two more months are granted for NASpI and DIS-COLL, which expire between February 1 and April 30, 2020. Additionally, income-generating social security workers can be used in agriculture for up to 60 days. The maximum salary, in this case, is 2,000 euros.
The independent bonuses amount to one thousand euros.
The 600 euros bonus for professionals and workers with a co.co.co contract is also confirmed for April. The incentive increases to 1,000 euros, for the month of May, for independent workers with active VAT numbers registered in the separate administration of Inps who do not have pensions and who are not enrolled in other compulsory forms of social security, who have suffered a reduction of at least 33% of the income of the second two-month period of 2020, compared to the income of the second two-month period of 2019. For workers in the agricultural sector who are already beneficiaries for the month of March of the allocation of 600 euros, the Bonus for the month of April is 500 euros.
Bonus housekeeper and caretakers
Domestic workers who have one or more employment contracts in force for a total duration of more than 10 hours per week on February 23, 2020 receive a monthly allowance of € 500 for the months of April and May. , for each month. The subsidy increases to 600 euros for contracts of more than 20 hours per week.
Regularization of workers, domestic workers and caregivers.
An application can be made to enter into a subordinate employment contract with foreign citizens present in the national territory or to declare the existence of an irregular employment relationship, still in progress, with Italian citizens or foreign citizens. The norm transposes the majority agreement on the regularization of migrants and irregular workers. The rule applies to agricultural workers, domestic workers, and caregivers. Foreign citizens, with a residence permit expired between October 31, 2019 and January 31, 2020, may apply for a 6-month temporary permit. Applications cannot be filed by employers who have been convicted in the past 5 years for aiding illegal immigration or for crimes involving the recruitment of persons for the prostitution or exploitation of minors. Foreigners against whom an expulsion order has been issued are not admitted in these proceedings.
Babysitting bonus
Doubling to 1,200 euros, for those who have not yet used it, the nanny bonus already provided by Cura Italia (ranges from 1,000 to 2,000 euros for doctors and health professionals). It can also be used for summer camps. An additional 15 days of extraordinary parental leave with a salary of 30% is also foreseen, until July, for those with children under 12 years of age. Until the end of the emergency, private sector employees with children under the age of 14 will be able to work intelligently as long as this method is compatible with the characteristics of the service. An additional 12 days of leave are also provided pursuant to Law 104.
The rem arrives
Emergency income for families in difficulty will not be compatible with other benefits and will be paid for two months: the expected benefit will range between 400 and 800 euros per month, depending on the number of family members. Applications must be submitted before June. To obtain the Rem, you need: residence in Italy, family income lower than due, 2019 family movable assets of less than 10 thousand (maximum up to 20 thousand euros), and Isee less than 15 thousand euros. The expected dowry is around a billion.
Holiday voucher up to 500 euros
A tax credit for households with ISEE not exceeding 40,000 (and not more than 50,000 euros), from July 1 to December 31, 2020, can be used to pay for services offered nationwide by tourist accommodation companies and accommodation. & Bs. The maximum credit is 500 euros for each family (300 euros for families made up of two people and 150 euros for those made up of one person), usable up to 80 percent, in the form of a discount on the amount owed, and 20 percent in the form of a tax deduction.
Fund to support bicycle rental and incentives.
Another 140 million euros will be allocated to the rental fund. The bicycle voucher arrives, set at 60% of the expenses incurred and in no case greater than 500 euros. Incentives for local and regional public transportation are also provided. –
110% of Superbonus for requalification of energy and earthquakes, and the possibility of transferring the accumulated credit to the banks or requesting the discount on the invoice of the company that carries out the works.
Tax extension and contribution payments
A new three-month extension, from June to September, of suspended tax and contribution payments for the months of March, April and May is underway. Therefore, the payment of everything that has not been paid will be postponed until September 16 and can be made, without the application of fines and interest, in a single solution or in 4 monthly installments of the same amount from September . Suspension of all wage and pension foreclosures
Health measures
Another 3.25 billion for health are coming, of which 1.25 billion to strengthen territorial health and social and health care, another 1.46 billion for hospitals, 430.9 million for various interventions in the health personnel and finally 95 million to finance 3,800 additional contracts for medical specialization.
The provision in the national territory of at least 3,500 intensive care beds (+ 115%) is made structural, to which 4,200 new places will be added in semi-intensive structures. Zero VAT on masks, disinfecting gels and on all anti-Covid personal protective equipment. The rate in 2021 will drop to 5%.
Ten thousand more nurses to strengthen the system and territorial assistance, another 10,000 nurses will be hired. Assignments can be entrusted to specialist physicians who regularly enroll in the senior and junior year of the specialty school for a period of 6 months that can be extended. An increase in the value of scholarships is also expected.
Omit the bonus of up to one thousand euros for health workers employed in the front line in law enforcement activities at Covid-19. There were some coverage issues with this rule.
16 thousand additional stabilizations for the school
An additional 16,000 teacher stabilizations are on the way (8,000 through ordinary competition and the other half through extraordinary competition) to have a total of 32,000 new teachers in September to restart schools. A further 331 million euros have been allocated to ensure the recovery of security activities. –
Summer camps and fight against educational poverty.
150 million are coming to the Family Policy Fund to strengthen summer camps and combat educational poverty.
Funds for libraries, museums and places of culture.
210 million destined to bookstores, publishers, museums and places of culture. Through the Emergency Fund for Companies and Cultural Institutions, losses due to the cancellation, after the epidemiological emergency, of shows, fairs, congresses and exhibitions are foreseen. The measures also include the issuance of refund vouchers for those who have bought tickets for cinemas, theaters, museums and other places of culture.
Measures for local authorities.
3,500 million for local authorities. A part equivalent to 30 percent of the fund is paid to each institution, as an advance of the amounts owed, in proportion to the income as of December 31, 2019. 100 million have been allocated to attend the municipalities for the non-collection of the tax tourist.
To make the divestment procedures for public buildings more efficient, the term of concessions or leases will be extended from 50 to 70 years, as well as the possibility of using the appropriate surface institution. Defense can also alienate separate real estate units present in individual buildings or areas.
Liquidation of small banks.
Public support in case of new forced administrative liquidations of small non-cooperative banks, with total assets of up to 5 billion. The burden of the State for the granting of public aid does not exceed 100 million euros.
Postal coupons
It will be possible, on a temporary basis, to stipulate contracts for the placement of dematerialized savings postal certificates also by telephone. –
Sport measures
The payment of rental fees and dealerships related to the award of public sports facilities by state and local authorities for sports, professional and amateur clubs and associations is expected to stop until June 30. Who has purchased a ticket to attend? many can request a refund, and the sports facility manager can issue a coupon of equal value.
To face the economic crisis of the subjects that operate in this sector, it is established that a part of the sports betting collection will be destined until July 31, 2022 for the establishment of the “Save Sports Fund”. In addition, an allocation of € 600 is provided for the months of April and May 2020 in favor of collaborative sports workers employed.