The agreement on the regularization of migrants comes during the night, which, together with the coverage of economic measures, opens the way for the launch of the relaunch decree in the Council of Ministers. The meeting, after being postponed for days and after an extreme attempt to call the night, is scheduled for today. From the Palazzo Chigi they declare the political agreement reached. Without coverage problems, they assure from the Ministry of Economy: 10 billion for the CIG, 4 billion for the Irap cut and 6 billion for SMEs, 2 billion for the adaptation of stores and production activities to anti-standards Covid. , 2 billion for fiscal measures, 2.5 billion for tourism and culture, 5 for health and safety. A maximum maneuver of 55 billion that forced the government to request a budget change and which has now reached almost two months of gestation.
The 5 stars at night
The knots melt in the night. After a fluvial meeting of technicians in the pre-council, in fact, the last section was still waiting in the Cabinet, with the comparison between the departments in the 55 billion maximanovra that mobilizes 130 billion liquidity. But in the migrant regularization file, with two days of tears and tensions behind him and an invitation from Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte to return to a table to find the place, the political leader of the 5 Star Movement, Vito Crimi, was able to announce, around midnight, A satisfying deal that puts regular work at the center. Shortly before, M5S Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio, political leader ec pentastellato, had issued a note declaring confidence in Crimi and the government and also the will to bring the decree to the Cabinet as soon as possible. It was the sign of relaxation that Palazzo Chigi was waiting for. The ministers return to work on the text. And Pd Peppe Provenzano, Minister for the South and territorial cohesion, can confirm with Crimi the agreement reached that, specifically, will affect workers, domestic workers and caregivers, including Italians: it is not a question of flags but of rights, he added .
The system, sources indicate, remains substantially unchanged, with the two tracks defined by the Ministry of the Interior for the appearance of undeclared work and temporary residence permits for foreign workers. As it emerges, the guarantees expected by the M5S come with some modifications, starting with a Further clarification of the rules to exclude from amnesty employers convicted of illegal employment or crimes such as the exploitation of prostitution and illegal immigration..
The other measures
On the economic front, after the problems that arose in the technical table, particularly in the redundancy coverage, the Ministry of Economy ensures that there are no problems with resources. Among the various measures awaiting the approval of the Council of Ministers today, 2 billion come for the interventions that will allow the restart of production activities and stores by adapting to anti-Covid standards, around 10 billion for other CIG weeks and 4,000 million and means for the autonomous bond, 12 billion of liquidity to local authorities for the timely payment of their debts to suppliers, reduction to zero of VAT for personal protection devices, 500 million for domestic workers and caregivers. Health Minister Roberto Speranza confirms 3.25 billion to hire 9,600 nurses and increase positions in the ICU by 115%. Also confirmed the cancellation of the IRAP for companies with a turnover of up to 250 million, finally the hypothesis of a sale of public properties arises.
A day of tension
The hours leading up to the nightly deal had been convulsive for the government. Forward jumps and brakes, meetings on the river, hundreds of articles under scrutiny in a pre-council that lasted all day and continued indefinitely despite pressure from ministers Dario Franceschini and Roberto Speranza and Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte himself, who wanted to be able to give this right soon Already at night, in fact, the Palazzo Chigi had made it known: the political agreement is there. And that, therefore, the Council of Ministers today would have given the green light. The agreement on the regularization of migrants was missing, which in recent days has kept the bank with a tough confrontation between government parties over the repeated number of 5 stars. The road on Tuesday had returned uphill after none of the representatives of the Movement had asked to remove the amnesty from the decree. And in the end that agreement also came.
May 13, 2020 (change May 13, 2020 | 08:07)