Coronavirus in Italy: 221,216 positive cases and 30,911 deaths. The newsletter of May 12.


In Italy, since the beginning of the coronavirus epidemic, at least 221,216 people contracted the virus Sars-CoV-2 (1,402 more than yesterday, for a growth of 0.6%; yesterday +744). Of these, 30,911 died (+172, + 0.6%; yesterday +179) and 109,039 (+2,452, + 2.3%, yesterday +1401) were discharged. Currently, the positive subjects of which there is certainty are 81266 (-1,222 compared to yesterday, -1.5%; the bill increases to 221,216, as mentioned above) if the calculation also includes the dead and the cured, that is, counting all the people who have been positive for the virus since the outbreak). The data was provided by the Civil Protection.

There are 12,865 hospitalized patients with symptoms, of whom 952 (-47, -4.7%, yesterday -28) are in intensive care.

Here you will find a “reading guide” to the newsletter, with an explanation of the various elements. This is the contagion map in Italy. Here the bulletins of the last days.

Region by Region data

The data provided below, and divided by Region, is the total number of cases (number of positive people since the beginning of the epidemic: includes deaths and recoveries). In the photo above, one of the currently positive subjects is seen. The change indicates the number of new cases registered in the last 24 hours.

Lombardy 82,904 (+1033, + 1.3%; yesterday had been +364; of the new cases counted today, 419 refer to the previous weeks and not to the last 24 hours)
Emilia-Romagna 26,929 (+53, + 0.2%; yesterday had been +80)
Veneto 18,782 (+41, + 0.2%; yesterday had been +19)
Piedmont 28889 (+113, + 0.4%; yesterday had been +111)
March 6568 (+25, + 0.4%; yesterday had been +10)
Liguria 8863 (+31, + 0.4%; yesterday had been +44)
Campania 4615 (+13, + 0.3%; yesterday had been +14)
Tuscany 9802 (+15, + 0.2%; yesterday had been +13)
Sicily 3343 (+4, + 0.1%; yesterday had been +12)
Lazio 7212 (+22, + 0.3%; yesterday had been +25)
Friuli-Venezia Giulia 3148 (+10, + 0.3%; yesterday had been +8)
Abruzzo 3115 (+8, + 0.3%; yesterday had been +4)
Puglia 4337 (+10, + 0.2%; yesterday had been +14)
Umbria 1419 (+7, + 0.5%; yesterday had been +1)
Bolzano 2572 (no new cases; +3 yesterday)
Calabria 1138 (+4, + 0.4%; yesterday had been +2)
Sardinia 1344 (+1, + 0.1%; yesterday had been +3)
Aosta Valley 1160 (+2, + 0.2%; yesterday had been +1)
Trento 4303 (+6, + 0.1%; yesterday had been +2)
Molise 386 (+3, + 0.8%; yesterday had been +13)
Basilicata 387 (+1, + 0.3%; yesterday had been +1)

The Courier has released a newsletter on the coronavirus and on “phase 2”. It’s free: you can register here.

May 12, 2020 (change May 12, 2020 | 6:31 PM)

