Quench the controversy, Matteo Salvini. He does it at general in La7, where it intervenes in the case of Silvia Romano. Yes, because the League leader was attacked for having raised legitimate questions on the matter, from the rescue to the media catwalk. And of course only these have been emphasized. Thus, the leader of the League explains: “I don’t care if she converted to Islam or not, it is your choice. Let’s leave him alone, we celebrate his return, which is the most important thing. “A lesson, a response to all those who accused him of” looting “for legitimate but political controversies. Controversies that, however, Salvini remembers:”I would have preferred a more sober return, without television and direct world programs, to demonstrate that the kidnappers not only raised the ransom but also won, “concludes Salvini. And on this point, honestly, it is difficult to blame him.