Meanwhile, the director general of the regional health authority (Asrem) Oreste Florenzano, does not rule out the possibility of new cases in the community. The results of the new tampons will be known later in the day. A double track for regional decision makers, also in view of the possibility of differentiated openings from May 18 in the regions where virus He was less aggressive.
And the MoliseUntil a few days ago, he was among them. “Those who have not respected the rules and those who have not reviewed assume their responsibilities. What happened is unheard of seriousness, too many people did not respect the rules and too many were the ones who should have verified
“We ‘Roma Abruzzesi’ from Molise are more Italian than many citizens of Molise and we certainly have not brought this virus to Italy.” Therefore, in a press release, the Nomadic Opera of Molise intervenes in the history of the Campobasso group with 60 infected by Covid-19 in the community of Campobasso.
“In these hours – the document reads – a scandalous alarm campaign has been launched towards the Roma communities that have lived in Molise for 600 years, integrated into the urban fabric of five cities and towns in our region, including the two provincial capitals In the general confusion, many inaccuracies have been written, also in the Roma community of Isernia, which is not linked, if not accidentally and very rarely due to the ancient common origin, with that of Campobasso, where the great emotion for death of an Elder made a serious mistake in the Roma families in that city. ” Then, the story of an episode that would have occurred in Isernia where “one of our young people could not enter a supermarket”. From here, an appeal to the mayor and the prosecutor to “intervene in this injustice.” Finally, a ‘call’ to journalists: “Don’t confuse the problems and learn to write the news well, because you could objectively invite people to hate and there are already enough Roma.”
Last update: 20:16 © RESERVED REPRODUCTION