Anticipate scattered order and ordinances considered “political.” And give a sign of calm to those who bite the brakes. The Government appeared before the Regions to formalize that the specific reopens for individual territories will be possible from May 18. A move made yesterday. Matteo Salvini was burned by the Calabria case. For a week, Governor Jole Santelli ordered the reopening of retail and catering. A movement whose effect was weakened by the prudence of many auditors who issued contrary orders, but also by the isolation in which the president found himself. For this, Salvini has prepared an offensive, asking all center-right governors to move in this direction.
Stefano Bonaccini, Governor of Emilia Romagna and President of the Conference of the Regions, smelled the air. A short round of calls and a video conference are arranged to deactivate the potential mine. Because “to date no one has told us what we could do and what we could not,” explains one of the participants in the meeting, the date of June 1 advanced by Conte in his press conference remained. “Conte, along with the ministers Francesco Boccia and Roberto Speranza, went further, opening up to a real regionalization of Phase 2.
Within 48 hours, the executive promised to provide a series of protocols through INAIL: in bars, restaurants, hairdressers, beauticians and retailers. And general bathing measures will also be adopted for coastal regions and lakes. Starting on the 18th, it will be the responsibility of each individual governor to decide what to do for his territory. A decisive change regarding the centralization of the elections that characterized the entire emergency phase. Rome will maintain general supervision. The monitoring data will arrive on Thursday, which will be carried out every week. Depending on the trend of infection, a safety threshold will be established in the Covid-19 R0 diffusion index and the health and hospital situation in the territory, beyond which the Government may decide to intervene with measures for the entire regional territory. . or defining new red areas.
The opening does not include interregional travel, which should be allowed after 25. It remains to be assessed whether exceptions are established for Regions that still have a high number of infected people. The center-right governors rejoice: “” The Prime Minister has accepted the Regions’ request for autonomy – says Giovanni Toti – Go ahead with common sense, let’s start together. “” The reasonable requests of the Regions have been understood by the Government “, echoes Marco Marsilio of Abruzzo. ” Luca Zaia spreads optimism: “It was a fruitful meeting.” Starting at age 18, soccer teams will be able to train again.