Coronavirus, Federfarma: “The masks are running out, too many are blocked.” Arcuri: “It does not depend on me, but on the distributors”


Response and response between Federfarma, the national association of drug distributors and the Emergency Commissioner. Domenico Arcuri on the shortage of protection devices. Today pharmacists have raised the alarm: More expensive 50 cents that had to reach millions are already running out, there will be no more between today and tomorrow. The causes? Too many bureaucratic hooks, they explain, and the difficulty of stocking up on China. “The fault is not mine, but dealers and pharmacists, “replied the commissioner a few hours later Arcuri. The difficulty in guaranteeing the flow in pharmacies and supermarkets, he explains, depends on “two distribution companies that they have falsified not have in warehouses the 12 million masks that they claimed to have. “Then he accuses pharmacies of” blaming him “or,” worse still, of increasing the price. “Immediately the reply from Federfarma president Cossolo arrives:” Tell us where to find them and we will buy them. “

The pharmacists’ complaint. – “The only ones we are distributing are those three million Civil protection and for tomorrow (Tuesday ed) already finished by a requirement of 10 million one day, “the president explained today Antonello Mirone. “We’re permeated with applications and unfortunately there are several million masks, he says, locked and seized during the control S, often due to bureaucratic problems: this short circuit should be removed “.” The Italian company from Perugia that imported masks from China, which had guaranteed us the supply in the closed agreement Thursday last year, it seems he can no longer do it “, explains Federfarma Servizi.

One of the problems would also be related to reduced price at 50 cents decided by Arcuri: “In fact, since there is a world demand, also Chinese manufacturers they have interests in other markets, “adds Mirone. Spain and France, for example, “calm masks are a 96 cents net of VAT “and” all this directs producers to other countries. “Not only that: the Italian production, which will only be fully operational in the coming months, is not yet ready to compensate for import difficulties. “Five Italian companies that have started producing the masks still do not have quantities available “Mirone added about the devices made in Italy.

Also for this reason, according to what has been learned, the government is working on the hypothesis of simplify legislation in the templates and it is not excluded that some interventions may be included in the Revival Decree with the purpose of simplify and speed up the process to Certification of the products and allow some of them to comply with the details technical requirementsIt can be used by certain categories as protection devices also in the workplace.

Arcuri’s response – “It is not I who have to supply the pharmacists. the commissioner supplies regions, health, essential public services and, as of May 4, also local public transport and RSA, public and private. All free, ”replied Arcuri. “I have the opportunity to extend the term of the agreementAs long as pharmacists find the masks and sell them for 0.50 cents plus VAT, so they have a guaranteed soft drink, “Arcuri also said that” more and more large-scale stores sell the masks at 0.50 cents, more VAT. “Then the lunge against pharmacists:” It is not true that pharmacists had lost due to distributors however, a refund was guaranteed for masks purchased before the price was set at 0.50 cents (plus VAT). The only obvious truth is that since we couldn’t get the masks, now they attempt to discharge their responsibilities to the Commissioner. Or worse, by increasing the price.

Cossolo (Federfarma): “We never complain, tell us where to find them” – “The Commissioner tells me where to find them and we are happy to buy them – The president of Federfarma replied again, Marco Cossolo, for Arcuri’s note: at the moment they are not available on the market. And there was a lot of effort even before the reduced price. In any case, I confirm what has already been said and point out that pharmacies never complained about the low price, nor did we say that we started selling them again because they renewed us. “

Also problems for gloves and alcohol. – But the problems, again according to Federfarma, are also registered in the other personal protective equipment. “In addition to the masks, there is a great shortage of gloves and of alcohol to disinfect they are unreachable in Italian pharmacies “, explains the national secretary Roberto Tobia, speaking of a problem “found from North to South”. The price of gloves, in latex or nitrilehe says, “tripled or quadruple in the last few months after the Covid-19 emergency. “This, he continues,” comes from the top purchase cost paid by Pharmacy to suppliers, because raw material have increased, demand has thousandfold and the warehouse stock has already run out. “

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