Genoa – Liguria is preparing to reopen everything from May 18: in addition to bars and restaurants, including the beaches. “We will try to reopen as soon as possible”, explained the region’s president, Giovanni Toti, who sees no particular problems. “I’m outdoors, there is space,” he says. There are infinite places that concern me more than bathing establishments from the point of view of rules, distance and ventilation. ”
“We will start as soon as possible with dress rehearsals, but then the real tourist season can start again. when traffic between regions is normalized ». “We are waiting for Inail’s guidelines for half a week,” but there are already criteria: “There is already a regulatory body on Covid, not that we are in year zero,” he recalls. And then the distancing, the obligation of indoor masks and disinfection and gloves available to customers and employees. Toti has repeatedly excluded the scenarios with plexiglass booths: “they make more deaths than the greedy”.
The real problem is that No interest is expected at this time. The prudence of the swimmers will prevail, initially tourists from other regions will be lacking and the establishments must prepare to reopen in brackets. Could help later the bracelet studied by IIT, That sounds if the distances are reduced too much. Certainly not at first, also because we are talking about the prototype, it is no longer an object on the market. As for the free beaches, Toti has speculated that the butlers may intervene due to ‘moral persuasion’, but the administration will be that of the mayors. “We will try to help them in any way, but it is their responsibility.”
Liguria, however, tries to start again. “Industrial production has fallen 30% Toti stressed. Tourism and trade will have similar and even worse trends. “” Now is the time for responsibility, prudence, but also the courage of our elections. ” Meanwhile, managers of bathroom establishments ask for clarity on the application of the rule that extends the concessions until 2033. “We should tell ourselves that we will have continuity: most of the concessions expire in 2020. It would be sufficient for all administrations to say that they apply the rule that extends them,” he explained. Enrico Schiappapietra, Ligurian President of the Italian coastal union Confcommercio.
The writer and manager of Marco Buticchi of a major factory in Lerici (La Spezia) goes further: “He welcomes any decision that puts us back in a position to work“He says. But in addition to the clarity on the concessions and the expected distance, which in Liguria cannot be enormous, given the orography of the territory, adds the request to clarify” criminal and civil responsibilities: I cannot be responsible for the whole world what It weighs heavily on my company, if one gets sick and walks without a mask and kisses everyone who coughs, I cannot be responsible for that. “There are 1,200 concessions in Liguria for around 40,000 employees. The 99% plants are family-run .