Bologna, May 11, 2020 – Eighty new infected, others 22 dead: these are the numbers of bulletin today which updates the data on the epidemic of coronavirus in Emilia Romagna. Data that is substantially stable, in the downward trend, compared to yesterday.
Since the beginning of the crisis there have been 26,876 cases of positivity in our region, only 80 more than yesterday: one of the lowest daily increases ever recorded so far. The tests carried out reached 234,619 (2982). The new cures today are 209 (15,969 in total), while active cases continue to declineNamely, the number of real patients to date: -151, going from 7,191 registered yesterday to 7,040 today. For a difference between the total of cured and real patients of 8,929, among the highest in the country.
These are the data, verified today at 12 noon on the basis of institutional requests, related to the trend of the epidemic and reported by the Region.
Here the latest news from Italy on Covid-19
Coronavirus, the contagion map in Emilia Romagna: the numbers of May 11
These are the cases of positivity in the area, which do not refer to the province of residence, but to the province in which the diagnosis was made: 4,375 a Piacenza (14 more than yesterday), 3,315 a Parma (17 more), 4,849 a Reggio Emilia (3 more), 3,823 a Modena (23 more), 4,395 a Bologna (11 more), 389 positivity registered in Imola (same data as yesterday), 977 to Ferrara (2 more) in Romagna there are a total of 4,753 (10 more), of which 999 a Ravenna (2 more), 928 a Forlì (same data as yesterday), 752 a Cesena (3 more), 2,074 a Rimini (5 more)
There have been more than 3,800 deaths in Emilia Romagna since the beginning of the epidemic.
There are 22 more deaths than yesterday: 13 men and 9 women. Overall, they reached 3,867 in Emilia-Romagna. The new deaths affect 7 residents in the province of Piacenza, 3 in that of Parma, 1 in the of Reggio Emilia, 5 in that of Bologna (none in Imola), 1 in Ferrara, 1 in the of Ravenna, 3 in that of Forlì-Cesena (in Cesena), 1 in that of Rimini, No one in the province of Modena and from outside the region.
The other numbers
People in isolation at home, that is, those with mild symptoms, who do not require hospital treatment, or who do not present symptoms, add up to 4,731, -72 compared to yesterday. Patients in intensive care they are 141 (-9). Those hospitalized in the other wards also decreased Covid (-25).
In general people recovered therefore, they amount to 15,969 (+209): 2,377 “clinically cured”, that is, they have become asymptomatic after presenting clinical manifestations associated with the infection, and 13,592 declared cured in all aspects because they were negative in two consecutive tests .
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Recognition of socio-health workers.
Green light for the recognition and improvement of the work experiences of the participants in the courses for Social-Health Operator (Oss), which are implemented in the period when the measures are in force in relation to the containment and management of the emergency epidemiology of Covid-19.
He established it Regional council, during the last session, to allow people who have already taken a training course to complete it and acquire a professional qualification.
The provision follows that of recent months (Regional Council resolution No. 223 of March 23, 2020), which approved the extraordinary provisions for the remote conduct of examinations for the release of the professional qualification of the social health operator.
“Our objective – says the regional councilor for economic development, work and professional training, Vincenzo Colla– is to allow people who participate in training courses for social health workers to respond to the demand expressed by regional structures, identifying the best ways to recognize their commitment and availability through the improvement of their work experience. Fundamental professional figures for the regional community, capable of carrying out care and assistance activities for people in conditions of discomfort or lack of self-sufficiency on a physical and mental level, and to satisfy their primary needs by promoting their well-being and autonomy, as well as social integration “.
Those interested in the process for the release of the Oss professional qualification carried out by training agencies accredited and formally authorized by the Region before February 23, 2020, when the Decree Law on “Urgent measures for the containment and Covid-19 epidemiological emergency management “. The work experiences of these subjects can be improved as an integral and / or replacement of the mandatory internship activities, in application of the regional provisions on the subject.
In addition, the resolution also sets out in detail the methods for determining work experience through evidence and quantification regarding the internship.
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