Coronavirus, Invitalia Safe Company: Boom in Mask Refund Requests


Increase in requests for Impresa SICura, the government incentive for companies that have purchased personal protective equipment (Dpi) for the containment of the Covid-19 epidemic. In a note, Invitalia explained that after just one minute of the opening of the counter, which occurred promptly at 9:00 a.m. on Monday, May 11, 42,753 companies had already made 59,025 thousand reservation requests in the amount of 498,841,142. euro. After eleven minutes, the reserves had become 91 thousand. At 9.42 there were 110,749 for more than a billion euros in reimbursement requests. Too bad that the total budget of the call is 50 million euros, available resources allocated with Inail funds according to Cura Italia. More than 600 thousand contacts with the Invitalia website determined the congestion of the portal for a few minutes.

The call of the safe company

Impresa SIcura, the new notice activated by Invitalia that allows you to be reimbursed for the costs incurred by companies to purchase devices and other personal protection tools aimed at containing and contrasting the epidemiological emergency of Covid-19.

Refunds for masks, gloves, suits and cleaning products.

Impresa SIcura reimburses the purchase of filter, surgical, FFP1, FFP2 and FFP3 masks; latex, vinyl and nitrile gloves; eye protection devices; protective clothing such as overalls and / or robes; socks and / or shoe covers; headphones and / or headwear; devices for detecting body temperature; detergents and disinfecting solutions.
The maximum reimbursable amount of 500 euros for each employee of the applicant company and up to 150 thousand euros per company.

The three phases of the call.

Invitalia’s call includes 3 phases. Interested companies must first submit the refund reservation from May 11 to 18, 2020, Monday to Friday, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., through a dedicated computer desk, accessible from the Invitalia website.
Also on the agency’s website, follow the publication of the list, in chronological order of arrival, of the companies authorized to submit the refund request.
Finally, the application can be completed from 10:00 a.m. on May 26 to 5:00 p.m. on June 11, 2020, again through the IT procedure. Refunds, Invitalia says, will be made in late June.
