Phase 2 March, from beaches to bars and restaurants. All reopening rules


Ancona, May 11, 2020 – Le The Marks They are heading directly to May 18 for the reopening of all sectors of the economic system, commerce and services, if the government confirms its intention to abandon autonomy in the region. Say the Governor of the Marches Luca Ceriscioli in the video press conference called to clarify the different points. with precise rules, from the beaches, to reach the bars and restaurants. The basic philosophy is to reopen immediately, but safely.

“We just discussed in Council one series of measures – Ceriscioli began – which give rules and measures for the reopening of different economic activities. Shared measures, without impositions but trying to find the best system, also based on territorial ‘best practices’.

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In hotel accommodation, the daily disinfection from the rooms and at the entrance. Assemblies, waiters with Gloves and masks. The same sanitation rules apply to villages and camps. In regular sanitation services: at least twice a day.

swimming pools

In accommodation facilities there is the possibility of positioning hammocks around the pools. These, however, will have to be separated 2 meters each other. Commissioner Moreno Pieroni adds that social distancing will always be necessary, even in the water: Maximum 4 people every 10 square meters.

From the left: Pieroni, Ceriscioli, Mangialardi and Bora.


In principle, Trademarks will follow the rules in line with theEmilia Romagna and Abruzzo. Each umbrella will have a space of 10.5 meters places available. Bathing establishments are advised to avoid hot showers indoors, preferring outdoor ones. As for the free beaches, there is a distance of 2 linear meters between beds or towels and 4 meters between an umbrella and the other The bathing facilities will be able to use the spaces of the beach volleyball or animation fields to obtain additional places for umbrellas.

A family umbrella. However, if two families want to share the umbrella, they can do so, but on alternate days and after sanitation by the bathing establishment.

Also read Coronavirus in the Marches bulletin

Clothes shops

In clothing stores, masks will be mandatory. In the same way that the shopkeeper will be obliged to disinfect the test booths and the garments. “It will be necessary to enter the stores avoiding meetings,” says the regional regional councilor for productive activities in the Marche region, Manuela Bora-. Inside the room there is also an obligation to wear a mask and disinfect the changing rooms. The beginning of the season sale is postponed to August 1 “.

The menu on your mobile Will need on request in the restaurant. so Plexiglass barriers at the bar cashier, waiters with face masks, no public hangers and use of disposable sugar. If the clients are family members or cohabitants, the obligation to use mobile devices does not apply. In the case of groups, the distance of one meter (linear between the chair and the chair or in front) or the possibility of introducing Plexiglass barriers is applied.

“at the tables of families or people who live together there is no need to use mobile devices, instead, the reservation is made by groups that do not belong to the same family, there is an obligation to distance a meter or the possibility of introducing security of the furniture , as plexiglass barriers, “specifies the regional councilor for productive activities in the Marche region, Manuela Bora.

“The reopening should not undermine the security conditions that I am sure will be respected,” says Bora. “I see a great sense of responsibility in the eyes of those who reopen at such a delicate and complex moment. In the coming days, the Region will focus on an information campaign on regional activities. We are trying to make the most of these days between May 18 and we hope it will be the official date for the next reopening. “

The councilor for productive activities added that for restaurants “reservations required”.

Social services

Day centers and centers for the disabled are ready to go out safely. “We asked the territorial areas to send the reopening calendar, we specified the president of Anci Maurizio Mangialardi -. From day centers to centers for the disabled, I support families who must also return to work. We have to connect social with economic recovery. “

An exhausting road, but with an important method that involved the mayors. “We share protocols, we reason in all aspects, we calibrate the needs of the territory even before the Government. We are convinced that we can be of help to the Government. Every aspect has been touched, I am convinced that the conditions exist to start well, with a transitional period in which the subject of social distancing keep driving everything. “
