Four square meters for each client and 2 meters between one table and another. It is the golden rule, they are the numbers around which restart of bars and restaurants. The technicians of theInail and scientists fromCollege of Health that, within the Technical-Scientific Committee, have launched guidelines for reopening of public exercises.
The first rule, in addition to the always recommended hygiene rules, is to establish “A predetermined capacity limit”. To understand how many people will be able to enter at once, you must divide the covered area of the room by 4 square meters for each client“Without prejudice to the possibility of adopting organizational measures, such as, for example, dividing barriers.” This is what we read on page 7 of «Technical document on the hypothesis of reshaping containment measures in the restaurant sector.», Which will act as a compass for the Regions for the reopening in the sector expected for the May 18 Throughout the national territory. Always, however, if the contagion curve allows it.
On page 6, in the chapter “Organizational, preventive and protective measures”, the fundamental principles are listed and explained how “The issue of social distancing takes on a highly complex aspect», Because obviously it is not possible to sit at the table with a mask and, in the presence of subjects infected with Sars-Cov-2, the possibility of contaminating dishes and cutlery is high (here a study published in the New York Times and which also refers Air conditioning flows in restaurants).
So, what to do? Forecast «The exchange of natural air and ventilation of the facilities.», A very important rule also for bathrooms. Prioritize the use of outdoor spaces over closed spaces. And check the division of spaces. It is the most controversial point, which caused the revolt of the restorers and governors. The instructions of the technicians foresee the revision of the facilities “with a remodeling of the tables and seats, guaranteeing the table separation not less than 2 meters». No more 4, as supposed. The safety gap between one client and the other has not been established, but the Scientific Technical Committee speaks of “a distance capable of preventing the transmission of drops”. As for the chairs, they must be arranged “in a way that ensures an adequate distance between the clients”, also because managers cannot verify whether the clients are relatives or cohabitants. And finally, at the end of each table service, “they must anticipate all the usual disinfection measures regarding the surfaces, avoiding as far as possible reusable tools and containers if not disinfected». That is, salt shakers, oil cruets, vinegars or jugs.
And here is the news that, as soon as the Interior Ministry led by Luciana Lamorgese gives the go-ahead, it will solve the problem and earn some money: families can present themselves with a self-certification that proves the relationship, thus releasing restaurant owners from all responsibility. The form will allow you configure smaller tables to save space.
the the buffet service will not be possible, the paper menus will disappear and the dishes of the day will be written on blackboards or disposable sheets. And the More expensive? Customers will have to use them in a row, at the checkout or when they move to go to the bathroom. At the time of the account, it will be advisable to “privilege electronic payments without contact” and cases where possible will be protected by a plexiglass barrier.
In view of the expiration of the Dpcm on April 26, the tensions increase. The economic sectors are pressing to reopen as soon as possible, the Regions and the government lag behind the technicians, who have completed most of the recommendations. There is still no agreement on physical contact sports, while the guidelines for personal services (hairdressers, barbers, beauticians) are almost ready. When all documents are complete and unsecured, they will be posted on Inail’s site. The general manager Giuseppe Lucibello specifies that the role of the National Institute of Insurance against Work Accidents “is not separate from the Scientific Technical Committee” and that all the options and indications have been “shared within the CTS”.
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May 11, 2020 (change May 11, 2020 | 11:38 am)