distance learning, psychological assistance, individual hygiene. Budget Bill



“In order to guarantee the resumption of school activities in safe conditions and to guarantee the development of the 2020/2021 school year in a manner appropriate to the epidemiological situation, the fund for the operation of school institutions has increased by 331 million euros in 2020 ‘.

Billion in total

One billion in two years to come Education. The current text of the dl allocates 400 million for 2020 and 600 for 2021. Coming soon It also helps the “0-6 year system” with a contribution total of 65 million for those who continuously manage educational services (such as nursery schools) and institutions non-state early childhood education, as financial support for the reduction or non-payment of fees.

The bank loan will be around 50,000 euros by 2020 and 70,000 euros by 2021

Possible expenses

In accordance with the content of the draft text, resources should be allocated to the following interventions:

  1. purchase of professional services,
  2. Training and technical assistance for safety at work.
  3. Teachings to distance
  4. medical – health and psychological assistance
  5. laundry services
  6. waste disposal and disposal
  7. purchase of devices and protective materials for individual hygiene and the environment.
  8. material, including consumables, in relation to the epidemiological emergency of
  9. Interventions for Teaching Students with Disabilities, Specific Learning Disorders, and Other Special Educational Needs
  10. purchase and provision of individual digital devices and the network connectivity required for the use of distance education for students
  11. purchase and use of innovative teaching and publishing tools
  12. adaptation of internal and external spaces and their provision to teaching activity in safe conditions, including interventions for small maintenance, repainting and decoration of the school and improvement of green spaces, extraordinary cleaning and disinfection, as well as interventions for the realization, adaptation and maintenance of educational labs, gyms, innovative educational environments, surveillance systems and IT infrastructure.

Legislative decree: 65 million euros for the integrated system from 0 to 6 years.
