In Ravenna only two new positive cases and no deaths. In the Region only 77 more cases, never so few


The cases – In Emilia-Romagna, today May 10, the best data in history have been recorded. In fact, only registered 77 more positive than Yesterday (It is the lowest increase in many weeks: + 0.28%). DAt the beginning of the coronavirus health crisis, a total of 26,796 positive cases were recorded. There are 4,271 new swabs in the last day (231,637 in total): the percentage of positives in the made swabs is today 1.8%.

ACTIVE CASES – The number of active cases decreases, that is, the number of real patients: less 210 than Yesterday.

HEALED / SICK DIFFERENTIAL – The difference between the total healed and the real patient is 8,569 (that is, the healed exceeds the sick), among the highest in the country.

PEOPLE IN ISOLATION – Isolated people at home, that is, those with mild symptoms, who do not require hospital treatment or who do not have symptoms, still fall and they reach 4,803: they are 160 less than Yesterday.

INTENSIVE THERAPIESThere are 150 ICU patients (5 less than Yesterday). Patients admitted to other Covid wards decreased (-42).

HEALINGS – The total number of people healed increases to 15,760 (+ 269). 2,496 are “clinically cured”, that is, they have become asymptomatic after presenting clinical manifestations associated with the infection, and 13,264 those declared cured in all aspects because they were negative in two consecutive tests.

The deaths18 new deaths: 5 men and 13 women (3,845 the total number of deaths since the start of the pandemic). No deaths in Ravenna province.

The detail – In detail, these are the positive cases in the area, which always refer not to the province of residence but to the province in which the diagnosis was made:

  • 4,846 cases in Reggio Emilia (+11)
  • 4,773 in Bologna and Imola (+ 22)
  • 4,361 in Piacenza (+ 15)
  • 3,800 in Modena (+ 8)
  • 3,298 in Parma (+ 13)
  • 2,069 in Rimini (+ 1)
  • 997 in Ravenna (+ 2, with a growth of 0.2%)
  • 975 in Ferrara (+ 3)
  • 928 in Forlì (+ 2)
  • 749 in Cesena (=)

The 997 cases diagnosed in the municipality of Ravenna by municipality since the beginning of the pandemic

  • 52 residents outside the province of Ravenna
  • 446 in Ravenna
  • 128 in Faenza
  • 74 in Cervia
  • 67 in Lugo
  • 61 to the Russians
  • 34 in Bagnacavallo
  • 29 to Alfonsine
  • 22 at Castel Bolognese
  • 21 in Fusignano
  • 16 in Cotignola
  • 11 in Massa Lombarda
  • 11 in Brisighella
  • 8 a Conselice
  • 8 at Riolo Terme
  • 6 a Solarolo
  • 3 in Sant’Agata sul Santerno
  • 2 in Casola Valsenio
  • No case in Bagnara
  • NB: the sum of the cases does not correspond to 997, but to 999 (so there is some error in the allocation of cases Municipality by Municipality, which does not depend on us)

Two new cases in Cervia. Mayor Massimo Medri’s statement

“Two new confirmed cases of coronavirus in Cervia is what Ausl Romagna has informed us this afternoon. It is a minor who would have contracted the virus through family contact with an already known case, and a 71-year-old woman who would have contracted the virus outside of the province. Therefore, the total number of confirmed cases in our city increases to 74, the number of recovered people remains at 50 and 24 people are currently infected with the virus. I also recommend today, we continue to comply with hygiene and health standards, Ministerial Decrees, all Municipal and Regional Ordinances. We will still stay home, we will do it together! “
