The turning point for the epilogue of the story took place in January, when intelligence arrived with a video that demonstrates the state of life of the young woman.
With traditional clothing and a covered face. At the time of the exchange with the kidnappers, the girl arrived dressed in the traditional clothing of Somali women and with her head covered. Once safely brought to the Italian embassy in Somalia, she said she was “a convert” and that “I will clear everything up with my mother as soon as I see her again.” Already in recent months news had circulated that she had been forced to marry one of her jailers and join Islam. Only after returning to Italy will it be understood if it really was his choice.
Seeing the video confirms the jihadist matrix The January video, in which the girl says she is fine, was living proof that Italian intelligence was waiting to give the green light to the last phase of the negotiation and authorize the payment of the ransom. Seeing the video confirmed the jihadist matrix. The Somali secret services collaborated with our 007 and the intelligence mediation of Turkey was also essential, which has strong control over the African area between Tripoli and Mogadishu.
The final price of the ransom. For a period, Silvia Romano would have been locked in a cave with other hostages. Meanwhile, his captors set the final price for his release, after the money paid to pay for the various contacts. There is no precise figure. In 2012, for example, the release of a British hostage cost his country a sum of one million and 200 thousand euros.