Movements to other municipalities to make purchases, ok from the Region


Yes to buy in a municipality other than the one of residence.

A new circular from the Sardinia region contains some clarifications that clarify some points of the ordinance of May 2 on extraordinary urgent measures to combat and prevent the epidemiological spread of Covid-19.

“Among the situations of need for which it is possible to move beyond the borders of the municipality of residence / domicile / home is the need to buy,” the document read.

“As a general rule, spending should preferably be on businesses reasonably close to your home, even if they are located in municipalities other than the residence / domicile / home. Although there is no specific territorial travel limit for this purpose, a deviation Substantial place of residence / domicile / home is allowed only for specific reasons that make it necessary, “he explains.

Then, the Region clarifies the justified movements in the regional territory with its own means: “If the movements take place with their own means of transportation, the planned interpersonal distance does not matter between the co-inhabitants on board it. In the event that they do not whether there is a private vehicle or if you do not have a driver’s license or are not self-sufficient, you are allowed to be accompanied by a relative or a person in charge of said transportation to and from your home, also taking into account the need to limit the use as much as public transport is possible. In compliance with these conditions, the movement of the passenger is also justified. ”

Furthermore, with regard to transfers to and from Sardinia, it is specified that “the return to the residence, domicile and home is not subject to evaluation, however, authorization from the President of the Region is required at the time of departure and arrival for the sole purpose of monitoring compliance with the period of stay at home in fiduciary isolation. “

In the case of authorized return for those who come from another region, “movements outside the regional territory will no longer be allowed, without prejudice to the remaining legitimate reasons to move.”

Finally, there is the possibility of remaining in second residences for maintenance.



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