Coronavirus, hypertensive patients risk 33 times more


A recent study by the Tuscan Regional Health Agency (Ars) has shown that Tuscan subjects suffering from hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes and coronary heart disease have a risk of contracting Coronavirus 33, 29, 9 and 8 times more than the population, respectively. Overall, “a clear sign of which populations we should protect from virus circulation.” Ars reveals this in a note evaluating that women die less at this stage of the emergency.

The mortality rate increases exponentially in the older age groups (over 75 years). Therefore, the so-called comorbidity, that is, the presence of one or more chronic pathologies such as: hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes and ischemic heart disease, has a considerable impact on this phenomenon.
When the deceased, says Ars, the information is what remains “still quite stable: we are still observing the consequences of a part of the cases that arose during the third week of April, which had presented serious clinical conditions. In terms of mortality, Tuscany ranks as the region with the lowest mortality compared to all other regions with a large and medium spread of the virus. ” From a territorial point of view, Massa Carrara, Florence and Lucca are the most affected provinces.
