First evaluation carried out by the surveillance court fifteen days after the publication of the publication related to Coronavirus. This is what the draft DL, of seven articles in total, is making its way to the CDM tonight. After the first evaluation, the surveillance court, after hearing the opinion of the District Attorney against the Mafia and the National Prosecutor against the Mafia and Terrorism, will verify monthly if the conditions for the release remain.
“When those convicted and inmates for the crimes referred to in articles 270, 270-bis, 416-bis of the penal code and 74, paragraph 1, of the decree of the President of the Republic of October 9, 1990, n. 309 or for a crime committed using the conditions or in order to facilitate the association of the mafia, as well as those convicted and inmates subject to the regime provided for in article 41-bis of the law of July 26, 1975, n 354 are admitted to house arrest or take advantage of the postponement of the sentence for reasons related to the health emergency of COVID-19, the surveillance magistrate or the surveillance court that adopted the measure, having obtained the opinion of the District Attorney against the Mafia of the place where the crime was committed and the National Prosecutor against the Mafia and Terrorism for the convicts and inmates already subject to the regime mentioned in the aforementioned article 41-bis, evaluates the permanence of the related motives with the health emergency within fifteen days of the adoption of the provision and, subsequently, monthly, “reads article 2 of the text.
“The evaluation is carried out immediately, even before the terms indicated above expire, in the event that the Prison Administration Department communicates the availability of prison structures or protected medicine departments appropriate to the health conditions of the prisoner. prisoner or inmate admitted to house arrest or postponement of sentence, “reads.
And, before publishing the statement, “the judicial authority listens to the regional health authority, in person of the President of the Board of the Region, about the local health situation and acquires information on the possible availability of structures from the Department of Prison Administration penitentiaries or protected medicine rooms where the condemned or interned admitted to house arrest or to take advantage of the postponement of the sentence can resume the detention or internment without prejudice to their health conditions.