There are 1,083 new cases and 194 deaths. Cured 4.05% (4,008). The current positive falls of 3,119 (-3.55%)

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In Italy there are 218,268 total coronavirus cases, an increase of 1,083 (+ 0.5%) according to Civil Protection data. The death toll rises to 30,395, an increase of 194 in the last 24 hours (+ 0.64%). The increase healed to 103,031: 4,008 more than yesterday (+ 4.05%) and the currently positive ones fall to 84,842: a decrease of 3,119 units (-3.55%).
The pressure on the health system continues to decrease. In fact, 13,834 people hospitalized with symptoms (-5.48%) and 1,034 patients in intensive care (-11.47%). In the home, there are 69,974 infected (-3.03%).
The number of swabs processed today is high: they are 69,171, or the third highest number since the beginning of the epidemic. On the other hand, the percentage proportion between the positivity cases discovered and the swabs carried out is minimal (1.6%). These data include all swabs made. The percentage ratio between cases discovered and individuals assessed is now 3%.
The region most affected by the epidemic, Lombardy, today registers 502 new cases for a total of 81,225. The victims in the last 24 hours are 85 (against 94 yesterday and 134 on Thursday), for a total of 14,924. Intensive care patients decreased by 70 (yesterday they had fallen to 80 and on Thursday they had remained unchanged), for a total of 330. 167 are discharged from hospitals (yesterday there were 146 and Thursday they were 231), hospitalized patients continue being 5,535.
Milan remains the province most affected by the epidemic with 21,272 infected (+178, compared to a growth of 201 yesterday and 182 on Thursday). Of these, 8,965 are in the city of Milan (+98, against an increase of 101 yesterday and 86 on Thursday).