Cig, Conte announces: “We will simplify it in the relaunch decree.” Unions: hurry up


ROME – “The government wants to overcome the challenge of administrative simplification and the reduction of bureaucratic obligations. For this reason, already in the next decree to support the economy, we will introduce a simplified mechanism for the disbursement of the dismissal fund, essential for large categories of workers. But more generally, we are working on a package of courageous interventions, to reduce the time it takes to carry out public works, especially infrastructure works, and to cut the bureaucracy clean. ” So the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte.


Cashier despite only one in five. Half a million are still without

The question of dismissal in abrogation raised by republic maintains a counter for both the payment times of the already approved assignment and the possible extension of the weeks of coverage of the assignment. The point about the redundancy fund actually received by the lacerators was made by INPS, in an official note: the redundancy fund requests determined by the individual regions and sent to the INPS for payment authorization, are 305,434. Of these, 206,904 were authorized by the social security institution and 57,833 were paid, which corresponds to a hearing of 121,756
beneficiaries. It can be read on the INPS website with reference to the data until May 7.
In addition, the Institute calculates that “the total number of beneficiaries of layoffs and ordinary checks, as of May 7, 2020, is almost 8.5 million (8,472,311).” The beneficiaries are the people who made the request and who saw it authorized.

The money for 5.5 million has already been advanced by the companies, while another 600 thousand have received the contribution directly from INPS. The workers who, through the Regions, requested layoffs in derogation would be around 641 thousand. 122 thousand actually received the INPS allocation.

But the Regions and the unions (such as the UIL) warn that there are one million and 300 thousand workers who have already requested dismissal in abrogation, therefore, the INPS accuses a significant delay.

The situation is very alarming for the three union leaders (Landini of the CGIL, Furlan of the CISL and Barbagallo of the UIL) who sign a joint appeal to the Prime Minister: “We believe that it is necessary to intervene to overcome the delays that are accumulating so much for the provision of cash treatment integration both for the disbursement of advances by the banking system and for the action of the Regions with reference to the exemption of cash. ”

Cig in abrogation, Regions against INPS: “Delays do not depend on us”

“This situation, say the secretaries-general of the three unions, is likely to weaken the effects of all the important measures it is preparing both in terms of income and labor support and of the business system. Issues we have had in the past few days, a first opportunity for debate. “

“In general, we turn to you – the letter concludes – so that it is possible to fulfill and define the necessary actions (including specific perceptions / meetings) to overcome the current difficulties and delays in the interest of the entire country.” The letter was also sent to the Minister of Labor for information Catalfo, to the Minister of Economy Gualtieri, to the minister of economic development Patuanelli, to the president of the Bonaccini Conference of the Regions, to the president of INPS Tridico and to the general manager of ABI Sabatini.

Adds Annamaria Furlan, Secretary General of the CISL: “The government, he says, must intervene urgently to overcome the delays that accumulate for the disbursement of layoffs. Thousands of families are in serious difficulties. INPS, banks and regions are called to an effort Responsible. No worker can be left alone at this time. ”

Annamaria Furlan

Annamaria Furlan

The CGIL confederal secretary explains, Tania Scacchetti: It is necessary, as Minister Catalfo has already said, to speed up and speed up procedures to immediately guarantee an income for workers. Delays are accumulating in all funds in direct payment by the INPS: the ordinary salary integration treatment (FIS) and, above all, the exception “

“For the latter, many regions have not yet been enacted by the regions. The agreement to anticipate treatment by banking institutions is also struggling to take off, not applied by all banks and across the country. Anger is growing and worrying in a difficult economic situation. Workers and companies need certain answers. “

From the oppositions he appears Matteo Salvini, leader of the League: “INPS certifies what the League had denounced more than a month ago: with the chosen procedure and bureaucracy, four out of 5 workers have not yet seen a euro of layoffs, percentages that are even higher in Immediately We proposed a simplified procedure, without the participation of the Regions also for the redundancy fund: requests sent directly to the INPS, union agreements that will be closed within the month of presentation of the request, advance payment from banks to companies “.

“All the measures – continued the League secretary – that would have guaranteed the continuity of the salary. Too much bureaucracy and complicated mechanisms are starving millions of families. We hope that in the face of these numbers the government will retrace its steps and apply more reasonable measures and more procedures. ” poor “.

Relaunch decree: the proposals of the ministries. Cash spread for 12 weeks, babysitting bonus at 1,200

here Mariastella Gelmini, Forza Italy: “INPS, after the disasters related to the 600 euro bonus for self-employed workers – site on tilt for days, confidential data from Italians published online and delays in paying money (still today many do not have had a euro) – it is being repeated with the layoff fund. Hundreds of thousands of workers have not yet had the IGC, in many other cases companies have advanced the money due to delays. ”

“Some Pinocchio from the INPS tried to blame the regions, accusing them of delaying sending applications to Rome. The truth is that this absurd situation is due only to the inefficiency of the institution and the slowness with which the government makes decisions and applies them Lombardy, to give an example of a virtuous region, in recent weeks has sent nearly 48 thousand requests to the INPS for dismissal dismissals, the first region of Italy in numbers and times, however, many workers Lombardy and all Italy they’re still waiting. “
