In Sicily it is okay to eat at home and take away on Sundays, even out of the ordinary.


On Sunday, in Sicily, all companies that practice home delivery or take-away services are authorized to open to provide the service. This was underlined by a new Civil Protection circular issued last night that sheds light on a rather controversial point in the latest regional ordinance, that is, it literally spoke of “superior Sunday days.”

“Bars, patisseries, restaurants and similar establishments that sell food or related products such as: baked goods, grills, cooked food, cakes and the like can guarantee service by avoiding meetings and guaranteeing respect for interpersonal distances”, we now read in the circular.

“However, people who want to use the service will have to wear masks when they are in line to go, explains Civil Protection.” For this purpose, it follows that it is possible to get out of the ordinary. clarification of circular 14 of May 8, it must be taken into account that article 7 of Decree Law March 9, 2020, number 14, establishes that the provisions referred to in article 1, paragraph 2, letter h), of the Decree Law of February 23, 2020, number 6, does not apply to health workers or essential public services that are supervised. The same operators suspend activity in case of respiratory symptoms or a positive result for the coronavirus. ”

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Simply put, therefore, all members of the armed forces, law enforcement, firefighters or operators providing supervised essential services should not be subject to fiduciary isolation upon entering Sicily, even in the case of a license, if they are under medical supervision Otherwise, they must submit to the provisions of article 11 of the order of April 30, 2020 of the President of the Sicily Region.
