the banks They are complicating the lives of those who in the last two days have requested a loan of up to 25 thousand euros with a state guarantee. Scirve The newspaper. Forms not required by law and almost always not very easy to interpret. But also the request for requirements that would not be foreseen by the commercial decree. On the one hand, the effect of the announcement weighs, explains Maurizio Grosso of the National Council of Accountants. Many thought that the state’s 100 percent guarantee relieved borrowers as a natural person or society from responding with the personal property. It’s not like that. But for an Srl, confirmation is strange.
The main problem, write the NewspaperIt continues to be that of the bureaucracy, public but also that of the banks. Among the problems detected, incorrect online forms and others not foreseen by the regulations. The President of Abi Antonio Pautelli He explained that the Banking Association is not a supervisory body. Today the government is expected to present the Def and the budgetary deviation of 70 billion euros, necessary to finance the April decree. The government will take note of the collapse of GDP: – 8% in 2020. Then growth to 5% in 2021. The deficit is close to 10% of GDP and the debt to 155%.