But it will also be a kind of clinical diary that will contain all the most relevant information on the individual user (sex, age, previous illnesses, taking medications), with an evident “invasion” in the field of user privacy.

Coronavirus, chose the application for monitoring infections: it will be called Immuni
“A Such a delicate area, which concerns the constitutional rights and freedoms of individuals, cannot be addressed exclusively with the instrument of the “order of commission,” he declares. Graziano Delrio, leader of the group of P.S to the camera. “It is important that contact tracing is chosen as part of the strategy to carry out phase 2 safely, the dem continues, but it is necessary that the matter be examined by the Chambers, as already requested by the Transportation Commission de Montecitorio, hoping to reach a shared standard. The ownership and public management of data and the absence of discrimination between citizens must be guaranteed in full respect of privacy. “
On the same wavelength also the opposition and to support the need for a law and a step of discussion in Parliament is the senator of Go Italy, Fiammetta Modena. “There is an urgent need, he argues, for a serious confrontation in Parliament over freedom and the protection of privacy, the use of the application cannot fall on our heads by circulars and it decrees a simple ordinance that Emergency Commissioner Covid, Domenico Arcuri, has signed a few days ago. “
In line with what was declared by Delrio, the deputy dem Marianna Madia. “The application Tracking contacts is a useful tool if it is inserted into a general strategy that begins with strong coordination with the national health system, “explains Madia.” For the delicacy of the problems being addressed, he continues, however, it is necessary to proceed with a parliamentary passage in line with the indications of the privacy guarantor and with the European framework. “
The opinion of the leader of the Democratic Party in the Senate is also very clear, Andrea Marcucci: “Use of the application? I will only remind you that in Italy there is a Constitution that cannot be circumvented, especially in the area of fundamental rights. What is certain is that Parliament will have to debate it.”
The leader of the league, Matteo Salvini. “Useful technology, he says, but freedom is not for sale.” The Carroccio exponent argues that “in use and application there are some serious critical issues, raised by many, including: who manages the collected data, where is it stored and for how long and for whom is the data owned? ” .
In the last days the Copasir (The Parliamentary Commission for the Security of the Republic) said that it will deepen some questions about the application “Immuni”, “both for the aspects of the corporate architecture and for the forms chosen by Commissioner Arcuri for the allocation and consequent application management” .