Coronavirus, the experts’ hypotheses for Phase 2: three macro areas, fashion and cars to reopen on 27. Bars, restaurants and parks: there is a window to start again on May 4. Palazzo Chigi: “Nothing is certain”


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TO ‘Italy divided into three, some sectors reopened from April 27 and the possibility that also Pub and restaurants can lift the blinds from May 4th. These are the hypothesis are working on experts they will have to provide to government General guidelines for organizing the departure of confinement. Between the push to reopen Lombardy and Veneto, the warning of Vincenzo De Luca on the possibility of Campania closing its borders and an invitation to exercise cautionHigher Institute of Health, the main ones leaked possible indications who – learns theAnsa – will come to the table Giuseppe Conte.

Palazzo Chigi: “The dates are not certain” – Although the sources of Palazzo Chigi mention that “Numerous hypotheses circulate” that “I am still under study and therefore cannot be considered definitive in any way “and, in some cases, they are” unfounded. “At this time, the government, assisted by the Scientific technical committee and of task force of experts – the same sources continue – “you are working for Phase two and only when the work is finished will communicate clearly the times and methods of loosening “of the blockade.

Macro areas – The reopens, according to the hypothesis of the experts collected by theAnsa, must be differentiated by macro-areas based on the spread of infection, with a monitoring then 15 days to verify the tightness of the containment and, if not, proceed with new closures. Under this hypothesis, Italy would be divided substantially into 3 macro areas: north, center and south. Basically the most affected areas should remain stricter measures, especially regarding mobility between one area and another, both within the macro areas and between one macro area and the other. In those where the virus has affected less important, larger reopens could be expected. In addition, more macroplanes must be identified within the same aircraft. subdivisions between areas of greater and less diffusion. For example in the north, regions like Aosta Valley and Friuli Venezia Giulia, you have a different situation than Piedmont, Lombardy and Veneto.

Ricciardi (WHO): “The second wave in the fall is a certainty. If the reopens are wrong, we run the risk before the summer
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Ricciardi (WHO): “The second wave in the fall is a certainty. If the reopens are wrong, we risk before the summer “

Who could reopen on April 27? fashion, furniture factories, automotive, construction sites: these are the four production sectors which are at the heart of the evaluation for a reopening as early as May 4, perhaps starting from April 27. The choice, if confirmed, is linked to the classification of “Low risk” of contagion in the workplace provided by theInail. The assessment, it should be noted, is still ongoing and should be addressed shortly, perhaps already in the Weekend, a new comparison with the social partners.

The opening of bars and restaurants – On May 4 they were able to reopen, although with a whole series of limitations and prohibitionstoo Pub and restaurants. Again, this is an ongoing assessment, it is understood that elections will depend on the government as well based on epidemiological data that will be recorded in the next two weeks. How would the bars and restaurants reopen? Restore some of the rules that had already been prepared before the crash and add others: therefore table spacing, maintaining social distance also in counter, individual protections for employees and in particular for employees Waiters, use of outdoor spaces.

Parks to the green light – Refering to parks, also in this case the indication would be to give a restart signal: you would be allowed to access the Parkland as well as to carry out motor activity even away from home. At the same time, however, a number of indications will be reiterated. ‘Prudence’that is, keep the social distancing, the use of More expensive and the ban on gathering. In short, yes to walks, no to picnics.

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