Coronavirus, De Luca: “I will close the borders of Campania if the Northern Regions loosen the measures. Thus they ruin Italy”


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the Campania he goes to close the borders in case the Northern regions, where the infection is still fully active, would be accelerated by reopening. The governor Vincenzo De Luca he says he is ready to Extreme measures to avoid a resumption of contagion in the land he administers.

“In Lombardy, even yesterday, we registered around a thousand new infections, “he recalled during a live broadcast on Facebook. Veneto, which is improving, we have registered almost 400 new infections. in Piedmont We have registered 800 new infections. This is the reality before us, “he explained.

Coronavirus, De Luca: “Are they speeding up the reopening? We will prohibit entry from the north. Reapplying emergency re-entry is irresponsible
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Coronavirus, De Luca: “Are they speeding up the reopening? We will prohibit entry from the north. Reapplying emergency re-entry is irresponsible. “

For this reason, De Luca warned, “if we had one race forward by regions where we have contagion so strongly present “, Campania “It will close its borders”. The tool will be “a”order whereby we will deny entry “to people” from regions with infection in full progress. “

The reaction of the Governor of Campania comes the day after the “Lombard-Venetian Way to Freedom” announced by Attilio Fontana and Luca Zaia that press, supported by the leader of the League Matteo Salvini, to speed up the output of the Phase 2 and the resumption of productive activities.

And today the Governor of Veneto has returned to advocate for aacceleration: “The positive positive trend makes us prepare well for the restart: the lock no longer exists “, he said, noting that “we are working hard to present a draft making it safe for the restart. “And he reiterated that it is the government” that must take the measures, otherwise we would have done many things before. “

“If a region of Italy with an absolutely epidemiological situation not reassuring Accelerates in a non-responsible and inconsistent way with contagion data, risks ruin Italy entire, “says De Luca.” I heard the positions of other fellow presidents of the Region, especially from the North, but also from the south – He added – they press to accelerate the shooting everything. I think we should have great sense of responsibility, from the concrete data “.

The risk, according to the president of the Campania region, is just around the corner: “We can also make the race to reopen everything, the isolation of citizens and the limited mobility They are things that weigh. But the most dramatic would be another: reopen economic activities in a way undifferentiated and then, after two weeks, the time of infection development, is forced to close all. In this case yes, we we couldn’t take it anymore and Italy would collapse. “

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