Executives of theUnited States intelligence and the American national security are investigating the origin of the coronavirus and among the hypotheses considered is also that, already refuted by scientists, that it was born in a Wuhan Biosecurity Laboratory, in China, and that was spread due to an accident. To inform is the CNN, who cites several sources aware of the file, however, specify that it is still too early to draw conclusions. Wednesday the Washington Post He had anticipated the problem, relaunching the news that in 2018, two years before the outbreak of the pandemic, diplomats at the US embassy in Beijing repeatedly visited the Wuhan Virology Institute (Wiv) and were so concerned that they sent two dispatches to Washington. (sensitive but not classified) by warning in inadequate laboratory safety conditions, who conducted risky bat research. The newspaper explained that in the past two months reports have fueled discussions in the US government over whether this or another laboratory in Wuhan could be the source of Covid-19, even if for now. no evidence has emerged And the scientific community has already refuted this hypothesis several times, speaking of a virus that comes from animals and not from test tubes.
The dispatches sent to Washington by the ambassadors warn of the deficiencies of management and security of the Wiv and offer more attention and help not only because of the importance of bat coronavirus studies but also because of its danger. US diplomats, including scientific experts, reported that the Chinese laboratory findings “strongly suggest that the bat-like Sars coronavirus they can be transmitted to humans and cause diseases like Sars. From a public health perspective, this makes constant surveillance of Sars-like coronaviruses in bats and studies of animal-human contacts crucial to predicting and preventing future coronavirus epidemics. “The call fell on deaf ears. The author From the Wp article, he writes that a senior US administration official told him that the dispatches provide more evidence that the pandemic is the result of an accident at the Wuhan lab. And he claims that the Beijing version of that the virus emerged from Wuhan wet market is weak, citing research by Chinese experts on lancet that the first known coronavirus patient, identified on December 1, had no ties to the market and not even more than a third of those infected in the first large group. Also, that market did not sell bats.
To clear the field of the hypothesis that this virus is precisely the coronavirus that is bringing the western world to its knees after hitting the China However, there is a study published in Natural medicine by an international research team led by the Californian Scripps Research Institute a few days ago The investigation excludes the existence of links, claiming that Sars-CoV-2 is born in nature and not in the laboratory through the handling of coronaviruses similar to those of SARS.
“In the middle of theglobal health emergency From Covid-19, it is reasonable to ask why it is important to know the origin of the pandemic, “write the researchers.” Understand in detail how an animal virus made the species jump Infecting humans so effectively will help us prevent such future events. “In light of the genetic characteristics of the Sars-CoV-2 virus,” we do not believe that any scenario that tracks its birth in the laboratory is plausible. ” demonstrate in incontrovertible way the natural origin of the virus must “obtain viral sequences from animal sources. “The identification of a possible intermediate host, as well as the sequencing of the virus from the first cases of contagionit can be just as useful. “
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