Coronavirus, petition on to the “Lombard Health Commissioner”: 30 thousand signatures reached in less than 48 hours


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They are approx 30 thousand the firms collected in less than 48 hours from the request launched on of the network of associations, parties and political movements of the Milanese left Milan 2030 for “Implementation of the Lombard health”. A request that the creators make directly to the Prime Minister denouncing “the Lombard Council elections, due to the very serious impact of the Covid-19 in Lombardy“And asking” the appointment of a commissioner ad acta for regional health. “

Under the Lens of Critics of Governor-Led Government Work Attilio Fontana above all, “the fragmentation of territorial assistance, the decision to transfer patients from Covid-19 to RSA, the poor participation of the Private sanity left free to choose whether and how to collaborate, the figures, small to the limits of the ridiculous, of regional budget intended for emergency management. “All the factors that the petition’s creators affirm,” make Lombardy the area of ​​the world with the highest rate of cases and deaths, with a very serious price for health personnel, general practitioners and assisted living guests. “

This is why they ask the government led by Giuseppe Conte “Immediate measures, which Milan 2030 proposes in an open letter written to the opposition groups of the Regional Council, for a unity of action. In particular, the prolonged lack of capacity and inactivity of the regional government configures that serious danger that justifies the appointment without delay in Lombardy Region of a commissioner ad acta. “ support: never like now
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