“Because Conte attacked melons and Salvini and you do not? Giovanni Floris asks directly Silvio Berlusconi, regarding DiMartedì. The reference is to the prime minister’s furious speech last Friday against the opposition, from which, however, he was “excluded.” Go Italy, and the resulting suspicion is that Giuseppe Conte he wanted to preserve the opportunity to find future support in the blues, leaving them out of the fight.
The former prime minister shines, but somehow confirms the change in pace compared to opposition allies in league and Brothers of italy: “This is not the time for political controversy, we are in an emergency and we need a responsible opposition, we must all work together.” However, the harsh judgment on Conte remains (“After this moment, a government will really be needed representative of the will of the Italians “), in which according to Berluscon the risk of a suicidal choice in the European field:” In the Month l ‘sensational mistake would be to tell Europe “we will do it ourselves” and thus stop using the approximations 36 billion that we could obtain without conditions to consolidate our health system. “