Treating Covid patients with heparin? Plausible hypothesis that must be tested


Among the drugs that Aifa and the scientific community are examining to combat coronavirus There is also an anticoagulant. Is aboutheparin low molecular weight that “some sources indicate as useful in the treatment of Covid-19”. From some autopsy findings, in fact, it would seem that a good part of the deaths of patients affected by the infection caused by the new virus is actually due to diffuse thrombosis. In other words, death would not come as much from severe lung failure as from events thromboembolic, problems that are related to the damage caused by the virus in the alveolar and basal endothelium of the lung, which can be stopped precisely with the use of heparin. In fact, an English study would report up to 20% reduction in mortality among Covid-19 patients with a marked increase in an indicator of the presence of blood clots, thanks to the use of this drug.

He also intervened in this regard. Luca Richeldi, Director of Pneumology at the Gemelli Polyclinic in Rome and member of the technical-scientific committee who supports the government during the emergency coronavirus. He did so in the margin of today’s press point in the Department of Civil Protection when answering a question from a journalist who asked how well the use of heparin to defeat Covid-19 is well-founded news. “We have started doing autopsy reports on patients and some, if not a large part, have seen that there are micromromboembolism at the pulmonary level – Richeldi explained -. This is a fairly frequent finding in patients who die in the therapies intensive so much so that our intensivists use low molecular weight heparin as a prophylactic tool with everyone who is hospitalized. “

However, it is still too early to make a clear assessment of the validity or otherwise of this type of medicine. “If there is a higher frequency of thromboembolic phenomena in this Coronavirus infection, added Richeldi, it is something we do not yet know. AIFA has published a study analyzing the data that has emerged and recommending and encouraging the presentation of more controlled research for test this hypothesis. Once again, let’s trust the institutions and the scientific method. Aifa is ready to receive proposals for studies on the use of anticoagulant drugs in this pathology that obviously must be regulated and controlled to give a certain answer to this hypothesis. So at the moment it’s just a hypothesis that requires proof. “
