Coronavirus, the Easter number: 431 dead, the lowest number since March 19



ROME – The victims fall. After almost a month, the number of daily victims returns to less than 500 units. The announcements on this Easter Sunday are data that all go in a clear direction: that of hope. Hospitalized patients fell, both seriously and less severely, with stable data on recovered new positives (especially in relation to swabs performed) and people currently ill.

At the press conference, Professor Luca Richeldi de Gemelli said: “The data shows that the measures are having an impact.”

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The data in the new Civil Protection bulletin speak of an increase in the number of patients (that is, people currently positive) equal to the units of 1984 (yesterday they were 1996).

Today 3,343 people are hospitalized in intensive care, 38 fewer than yesterday. 27847 people are hospitalized with symptoms, 297 fewer than yesterday.

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The number of victims remains high. In the last twenty-four hours, 431 people have died (yesterday there were 619 victims), reaching a total of 19899 deaths.

The healed reached 34,211, for an increase in 1,677 in 24 hours (2,079 people had been declared healed yesterday).

The total number of people who have contracted the virus since the beginning of the epidemic is 156,363 (4,092 new infections detected in the last 24 hours, 4,694 yesterday). The swabs made today were 46,720 (yesterday 56,609).

The ratio of swabs made to identified cases is 1 patient for every 11.4 swabs made, 8.8%.

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Borrelli: “Ordinance for assisting rescue migrants”

“I signed an ordinance for the medical care and surveillance of migrants rescued at sea or who have reached our territory through autonomous landings. It is a necessary measure after the inter-ministerial of recent days according to which our ports are not safe ” . The head of Civil Protection said at a press conference Angelo Borrelli.

“It is a measure applied for the first time and for the 156 migrants currently on Alan Kurdi’s ship,” he added. “The Ministry of the Interior Immigration Department will create structures or areas on the continent or ships where immigrants can be hospitalized to guarantee quarantine.” Then they will be managed in accordance with ordinary procedures.

Richeldi: “Three encouraging signs”

It is the pulmonologist of the Gemelli Polyclinic, Luca Richeldi, who draws conclusions from this day. “There are three indicators that we monitor and all three are encouraging.” The first is the number of patients hospitalized in Covid wards: “They have been falling for a week, day after day, today they are 297 less than yesterday, and it is the most constant drop since the crisis began.” The second refers to a crucial point of emergency management, which is the occupation of Intensive Care: “For the ninth consecutive day, the number of hospitalizations has decreased, and this is important because it alleviates the pressure on key departments to save lives. of the sick. ” The third is the mortality rate, still high (431 deaths yesterday) and painful, “especially at times like these, which should be days dedicated to the Easter holidays”, but in any case “we are at the lowest level since the last two weeks to date. “

“The trend is now reliable – concludes RIcheldi – we can say that the measures adopted and extended are having an impact on the spread of the virus”

Deciduous infections in Marche and Lazio

In the Marche region, 198 patients were discharged from hospitals in the last 24 hours (1,489 since the beginning of the epidemic), there are 15 fewer hospitalized than yesterday (1,063 in total) and 102 positive people less subject to isolation domiciliary. This is what emerges from the update of Gores, the operating group that coordinates the health emergency in the region. So far there are 5,503 positive cases registered in the Marches: the growth of the infection slows down and the victims are 700.

Comforting data also in Lazio. “Today we registered 122 cases of positivity and a deceleration trend of 2.6% – declares the regional councilor of Health Alessio D’Amato – the number of deaths is also decreasing, which are 6 in the last 24 hours. In the last 24 hours, reaching to 749 in total. The death rate is three times lower than in Lombardy. In fact, the percentage of deaths compared to the total number of infected in Lazio is 5.7%, among the lowest data in Italy. “
